Hi all,
Just to let you know, I am still far from well at the moment – but I won’t bore you with the details. However, I can promise you that I am saving up stuff to write about, hopefully in the new year – the David Amess fraud to name but one.
So, in the meantime I will take this opportunity to wish you all a very merry Christmas (even though it is a Satanic holiday) and a happy New Year.
I would also like to give a massive thank you to all those of you who have kept the faith over the past 6 months or so by keeping the site alive with your comments and donations. I can promise you that I do read all of your comments with interest and because of those donations, the site will be able to stay online for the foreseeable future.
Moreover, because of an accumulation in donations (now that the site only costs £30 per month to run) there is plenty in reserve and as such, there is now no need for you to send me your hard earned to prop this site up for at least a year.
In the meantime, bear this in mind:
As all of you will already know, the latest strain of the Covid bollox is called; OMICRON, which is an anagram of MORONIC.
The strain before that was called; DELTA… And OMICRON-DELTA is an anagram of MEDIA-CONTROL.
Therefore, it can be no surprise that the Presstitute-arsewipes have wasted no time in covertly telling us that we are a nation of proper mug-cunts.
Just sayin’.

So very, very good to hear from you : ) you haven’t lost your razor sharp mind. Wishing you the very best.
Another talking Malteser like Sajid Javid. I stopped listening ages ago.
Thanks for the update, Chris, and I know I’m not the only one here wishing you well. Have the best Christmas and New Year you can manage in the circumstances, and we’ll all look forward to having a real celebration next year when you’re fully recovered.
Take as much time as you need. We’ll do what we can to keep the site “alive” in people’s minds.
Unfortunately these things can’t be rushed. I don’t even remember how much time I “lost” before and after my diagnosis of “heart failure” around 2015. Was it one year? Two? No idea. I’m ok now though, and so will you be. Just give it time.
You’re a good man, and we do care about you, the person and not just the information and insights you provide here. Stay strong and look after your health.
As far as it’s possible, have a happy Christmas 2021, and a healthy and prosperous 2022.
Barney, it’s good news that Christ will be back eh? Really missed his articles.
Hope you are jeeping well?
Trish x
Hi Barney, a friend of mine would like to read the article chris wrote three or four years ago.
the one all about the Chinese kung flu and Wuhan.
would you know if it is on the wayback machine.
If so, do you know the title of the said article.
He and i will make a donation to the site if you could possibly supply some info please.
Hi, the link is the last entry for Chris on the wayback machine. Goes up to Feb 23rd 2020, then the site was closed down. There isn’t a link the I could find for the new site.
Good luck
Thank Alan.
Can’t wait for your exposes on this utter fucking crap – jibby jabby lunacy 2 tier systemic mind control shite – Graphene Hydroxide cytotoxic vials called vaccines – laughing not laughing – Happy 2022 writing and reading for us!!! Chris – best Claire xx
Good to hear from you Chris,Rest up buddy and hit them hard in the new year.
And he’s back in the room. Good to see you Chris, as others have said take your time, we want you properly better.
Have a good Christmas and lets hope for a better new year.
Gill x
Yuletide Felicitations Chris….Keep on fighting the good fight.
Good to see you mate x
Been missing you! Sorry to hear your still not well. Hope you start to feel more your self soon. Merry Xmas n all thatx
Good health to you
Best wishes for 2022 mate, it could turn out good..
Hi Chris so good to hear from you.
Happy holiday to you and family and you get 100% well, so you return refreshed.
I was telling my friend today about you. I lost contact with him years ago and how you’ve suffered just for speaking the truth. (Old site)
Keep warm and well. We avid readers has something to look forward to next year now….. Trish xxx
Ahhh Chris. Have I missed you yes… been going shopping with my Chrisspivey cotton tote. X
This last 2 years weird as hell. Im sure something went t+ts up when they messed with Hadron Collider lol. Wishing you Seasons Greetings Chris and better 2022. Here have a kiss or two xx
Covid is the scapegoat for the global financial collapse and the implementation of a digital prison. When I read in the chimp that 5 million were un jabbed I knew they were lying. Turns out it’s closer to 15 million and if you add in children it’s up to 23 million.
We have to push back, we are not a minority.
Bang on the money with that comment
So good to hear from you Chris – hoping your health massively improves really soon as we’re all missing your expert analyses and flowery language :). I don’t usual like Ricky Gervais but after watching Afterlife, I thought you’d a hand in the script writing :):):).
Take care of you and the family xXx
Hello Chris, glad to hear you are still recovering. Take it easy. No rush but do look forward reading more articles. God bless Chris xx
Chris Indeed
The British Public are Mugs Indeed going along with this Lockdown Garbage which is Not about ” Health ” but Dictatorship
Never to Vaccine Passports
All Scum Politicians who Support them OUT of Office Now
Best Wishes
Good to get a report from you Chris.
Some very important points we need to impart to you Chris regarding your health.
This adds to and reinforces our past public and private communique with you/all some time back. We are reluctant to keep flogging the same storyline, if we think the message is not getting across, so we withdraw for a time and let those not applying the good oil (works) imparted, to wallow in their own miasma for a tad, until the penny drops, or they are driven to a point where they hit rock bottom (so to speak/write) and they are more receptive to the precepts we present (as in… “The teacher appears when the student is ready”)
Some word etymology and meanings first (basic logic)…
Health = Fortune = To “For Tune” = to think ahead, or think beforehand = you create, by your thoughts and consequently your doings (doings, stem from the initial thought).
“Luck” is the “Luciferian and inverted word for the correct and Cosmic word, “Fortune”.
To Tune = to be in a state of vibration. So what is your vibration state?
So, “Fortune and Prosper” is the clarion call phrase for this week and onwards.
Forget all you mental thinking and previous indoctrination via schools, peers and the usual claptrap. Change everything in your thought processing (= word processing).
Thus, it is not by “luck” that things happen/appear in your life, but by you “For Tuning” (= “Fortune”) = to think ahead of time = pre-plan (as in cursory thinking ahead, as in a “passing” whim, NOT detailed strategy planning, if one gets our drift).
Note the word “cursory”, which actually means “Curse”…can you see that semantics and word use actually paint a picture? That picture is, either sinking lower, declining health, or self-mastery and dominion over self = perfect health. That picture is, that, all you do and are, is in the Mind (not MINED or extracting energy through manipulation, or word play).
You have to hand it to these criminal freemasons, when the fiddled with “language” = “languish”, to be in the shit-hole, as a means to control the populous, via education indoctrination.
So to get health back and ideas of how to get back on track.
It is VERY SIMPLE process and it’s not Rocket Science!!
I have been down this “healing” path over many “illnesses” and speak/write/right from direct experience.
If you think otherwise, then you have doomed yourself to subservience and an external “saviour”, such as NHS, Chemist, god, Pie in the Sky stuff. You are the “be all and end all” of you own health status and everything else in your life. So watch self, like a hawk!!!
Here is a 15-30 Minute idea to start mobilising you Power Source to restore your wholeness.
Pick your words, if you like, but be mindful of its meaning/intent.
Once you get going, it becomes easier and very enjoyable and then you can do it as you walk, go about your daily affairs… Pay-dirt big time, no forcing required (= no polarity)!
Before you start, there is a very wise saying written somewhere that says everything about what We are on about, in a nut shell and that is …
”Command Ye Me”.
This means you must THINK it, BE it and DO it. 24/7.
1. Comfortable loose fitting clothing
2. Quiet room, no disturbances.
3. Gentle melodious music (harmonious music? …”Harm” is within the word)
4. Ready to go, music on, eyes shut, attune…
5. Tell Self “Nothing discordant may enter my Energy Field, only Purest and Highest”
6. Tell Self to “Restore, balance, attune my whole being to Source”
7. Tell Self “Cleanse and clear all erroneous and discordant vibrations. Restore Self, Being, Mind, Physical Body, all layers of Consciousness to the original balanced Divine Design”
8. Show me what I need to know, reveal to me what I need to enable total attunement and purpose in this incarnation/life”.
9. Any and all assistance is appreciated and called upon, provide it is for a high virtuous purpose to enhance my journey and those with whom I meet.
10. Show me what I need to know/do with Self and those with whom I meet.
11. Thank you (this part always gets me electrified! = gratitude = reinforces journey, so more comes your way, adding, adding = Pay-dirt)
12. NOTE: “Closed eyes” can enhance 3rd Eye Opening = You will (all can do this) see colours. They each have a vibration and teaching purpose. Emerald Green = Healing is happening, Yellow or Gold Wisdom is being imparted, Blue, Correct Thinking being reinforced. Many others, no space here.
As you master this thinking, you can do it in your own way in your daily activities, anything and all sorts come into your path. Be observant (mindful of what goes on about you, BUT always be detached = NO Polarity is then created = you are in your Power Point = Neutral)
As you get into the “rhythm” Energy flows = Manifestation = Creation (notice these words relate to frequency and vibration, like music. In tune or discordant = dis-chord-ant …which of these is on your “mind”?)
To help you to think more laterally and of which we speak watch Bruce Lipton. (Remove space in link to activate.
h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82ShSNuru6c
Also worth considering is the use of Chlorine Dioxide as a temporary stop gap and supplement until mastery of self-gained.
h ttps://elitehealthsupplements.com.au/product/hydrogen-peroxide-35-food-grade/
Clif High is worth picking up info from, as he is a very deep lateral thinker on a wide variety of matters. Also went through bowel cancer dramas…check him out… explains much about everything.
h ttps://www.bitchute.com/channel/HBBwqdoMy7Gz/
As the crooks are fiddling with everything, if the links freeze, or are not playing within 10 seconds, refresh and hit play 2 or 3 times, should do the trick.
Explanation of word use…
PS. We use the “plural”, as in “Our,” “We”, etc., as use of the word “I”, denotes “to Contract”.
“I” word origins, are from the banking industry and its intention is to make you the debtor, not the creditor. Or, another way of saying it is …when you “Contract” you actually SHRINK in Power = Become powerless. So, use of the plural (We, Us, Our, etc.) circumvents any potential dodgy contract being entered into. Use it when talking/writing to the government crooks, etc.
All is a big CON job …everything in language is to drain you your own Power = you are being drained of Energy = Battered, as in a battery gone flat!
When was the last time you felt flat?
Do you See/Sea all the words in use to CON-TROLL you? = You had been Mined to date, now go forth and do not come fifth, but strike your own pathway back to health = Whole = Holy. Play your game …love, joy, peace, beauty, abundance. Raise everything (but discern all that you do, or are about)
“The Call Compels the Answer” = “Command Ye Me”.
22 years, no work, no social security.
I AM Electrified! Whoa Nellie
PS. ALWAYS and every night APPLY same principles just before going to sleep …Direct, or Command Self (internal dialogue with Self) to “Heal, Restore, Balance my whole Energy Field. Teach me, show me what will assist my journey back to Wholeness”, or any similar directive to Self.
PS: note the word “heal” …does it sound like ” heel” , as in telling your dog to ” come to heel”, if he is being a miscreant? …see all the word inversion created by the shysters and freemasons, never ends, this criminality and shysterism …Enough for now. Cheers.
Good stuff there, Jock, if somewhat heavy going for the less initiated.
I like the following quote by Betty Shine (my words, quoting from memory).
If the witch doctor points the bone at you, you will die.
Obviously you have to (ideally) be a part of a community that believes in the power of witchcraft and all the rest of it for this to be true, but she used it to demonstrate the power of the mind to control (in this example to kill) the body.
As she pointed out, if the mind has the power to kill the body, it also has the power to heal it.
Betty Shine has since moved on from this world, but while she was here, she helped me when I inadvertently crossed a local coven and ended up with a demon in my living room. She also healed a relative who was diagnosed as having a serious illness.
Hi Barney. Yes I have read all of Betty Shines books some 20 years back and her compatriot/contemporary Stuart Wilde. All the info that these people impart are to prompt you to think, imbibe on what makes sense to you and put on the shelf stuff you are not clear about with the thought that “it will be shown to me in due course, I will ponder on” and go about your daily business being mindful that things come into your path to expand your initial thoughts on that matter.
See, it is all thought based. You have the thought and eventually it comes into your path. Patience is the issue and aloofness to everything about you …elsewise you miss the opportunity coming your way.
You could say “The quick and the dead” . This is how I have lived and not worked all this time. I see opportunities all the time and on the wagon I jump, then another different direction I go, one day at a time.
This is not my preferred way to do things, but over time I realised that there is a bigger plan at play and I have to slot myself in the groove of the bigger plan, hence now virtually complete detachment (emotion driven drama) to the criminal racketeering by governments and cronies. I see crap and I tell it as it is and the Cosmos moves accordingly.
The thing is …to speak and act without any attachment (Power Point = No Polarity in your Energy Field) and the wheels are in motion to address the corruption-criminality and I wake a few more people up along the way. Always opportunity to do good works.
It is not so much as ” heavy”, more of …thinking in a different way, or from another angle. An open mind to different thinking is necessary, elsewise Energy blocks occur – manifests in the physical as arthritis and various other diseases. (dis – ease, or ” out-of-tune” because you have yet to recognise the connection going on …your own thought process)
Belief (-LIE-) in anything is the nemesis of your own undoing. Do not believe anything, go out and prove everything to yourself. It is called ” experiment” or “experiential”. The Gnostics are all about this and Clif High mentioned this in his recent post I attempted to allude you all to in his earlier home page link … Here is the direct link …
h ttps://www.bitchute.com/video/x0KpRGqcUj39/
here is some more mind expanding stuff…
h ttp://www.paulstramer.net/2021/12/from-man-to-human-to-transhuman-rebel.html
From Jim Stone… h ttp://
I have made a stunning discovery that will result in a universal cancer cure the medical community can’t shut down.”
…This is part of the reason I suggested Chlorine Dioxide as a stop gap measure. Chlorine Dioxide – Food Grade, diluted down significantly is an anti-oxidising agent and this is what cancer cells cannot thrive in, oxygen rich environments. Also vegetable juices have similar properties, creating oxygen rich environments in the physical body, plus many other health boosting properties. Stay of processed food as much as possible, as it is teeming with toxins and who knows what other additives. These globalists crooks like Gaytes that have taken over all the small businesses and polluted it all no end. Consider tap water as one on them as well. Use filtered rain water for drinking & cooking, been doing it for years. Work at getting as independent as you can …it starts with right thinking, one step at a time.
I have offered Chris some chlorine dioxide (for free) and the offer is still open.
Hi Jock, rain water? isn’t that polluted with all the chemtrailing poison? I filter my tap water but been told the old lake filtering that campers used is better x
h ttps://www.bitchute.com/video/o3TjYsJ6ywz5/
Just so you know …
I’ll probably “disappear” for the next few days. For the first time in two years, we’ll be interacting with friends and family over the Christmas and New Year period, and I don’t want to insult people we haven’t seen for a long time by ignoring them while I catch up on the latest (real) news, so after today it’s likely that I won’t be on the internet at all until the first few days of January.
Everyone’s plans will be screwed when (not “if”) Bozo the Downing Street monkey gets up on it’s hind legs and shuts the country down again, until we, the people rediscover what rope and lamp posts are for, but so far at least we can hope the traitors will allow us a few days of relative normality.
Whatever the criminals that think they “own” us might try to do to ruin everything while they enjoy themselves as usual, I hope everyone here, and especially Chris, without whom this “meeting place” wouldn’t even exist, will have the best possible Christmas and New Year.
Forget the mass-murdering traitors for a few days and enjoy yourselves. We can deal with the criminal scum next year.
This time is OURS, so make the most of it while we can.
Happy Christmas everyone, and a healthy and prosperous New Year.
Instead of Sleepwalking/Sheepwalking Decent People Need to Demanding the Dictator Leaves 10 Downing Street
and the Dictatorships in Cardiff and Edinburgh GO as Well putting their Evil Covidian Cult and Lockdown Garbage in
a Bin
The Dictatorship Needs to be Ended NOW and then 2022 could be a Little Less Rubbish or Maybe a Lot Less Rubbish
than Evil Year of 2020 and Aftermath Year of the British Zombie 2021 have Been
Nothing to ” Look Forward ” to any Lockdown Garbage End the Dictatorship NOW Repeal the Coronavirus Act
Get Every Single Covidian Cult Politician OUT of Office and Not by Sleepwalking/Sheepwalking .
This Year has been Abysmal and I will Not be Celebrating as there is Nothing to Celebrate when One Looks at
A) Deaths and Side Effects from Dodgy so called “Vaccines ” B) British Public a load of Zombie Mugs that Demanded
their Own Enslavement C) That Self Serving Tinpot Dictator is still in 10 Downing Street and he is Not at All Funny but
Definitely Not Fit for Office
A note for Chris before I go off-line for a few days.
What if – God forbid – you were to take a turn for the worse and end up back in the dubious “care” of the medical mafia?
This site appears to be a one-man effort, and we know medical matters can sometimes take a long time, so if you weren’t able to do it yourself for a while, is there someone you could authorise to administer the site, approving comments and keeping us informed regarding the state of your health?
I sincerely hope it won’t be necessary, and that your health will soon be fully restored, but if you weren’t able to approve comments for an extended period, people would start to drift away because there wouldn’t be anything new happening here.
God bless you Chris.
I’d be happy to help : )
merry christmas Chris and everyone on here, Just a note to Chris, I dont know if you are aware of Fenbendazole for humans, its meant to have great results against cancer. Hope you are on the mend.
Merry Christmas to you and yours and all readers of the site.
Stay strong Chris and take your time,no pressure.
Really great to hear from you after so long.
Good to see you back Chris. Take care mate.
I see Patel is “looking at” crossbow ownership in the wake of the Windsor Castle load of old bollocks. They definitely won’t want too many in circulation if they are doing their forced vaxxing.
Hi Chris, and everyone. Sending healing vibrations your way, Big Guy. They really are attacking us big time with the covid bollocks and everyone and his dog are just completely fed up with it. It’s been going on for far too long and even the most dense-minded dolts must be realising by now that a cold/flu ain’t gonna kill you, unless you’re unlucky. But before the kung flu appeared, 30,000 people per year were dying from normal influenza/pneumonia. The useless guvmint didnt give two fucks about all those folks, so why the shock-horror-something-must-be-done attitude from them now? Control. They have used the pretext of saving us from a virus so deadly one in three of us don’t even know we’ve caught it, to power grab. Most people aren’t aware/dont give a fuck, but gradually our right to protest is being eroded. Other rights have probably gone too.
For those with eyes to see, it is actually the age-old battle between good and evil. Dog knows, I’m no Bible enthusiast, but that’s not to say I’m not spiritual. For example, my dear mum passed away back in March and one or two mates wondered why I wasn’t perhaps more obviously upset. As I explained, I firmly believe in the afterlife, so although mum isn’t here right now, I know I’ll see her again some time in the future, so why be distraught when it’s just a matter of time. In fact, if a few more folks understood that there is no death, life is a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves [ thanks Bill Hicks] then perhaps they might live their lives on this planet in a different way that may benefit them later on. As they say, Karma is a bitch, so make your intentions good and you should be ok.
Or, act like a complete cunt – apparently Illuminati folks think they can avoid Karma ; well fucking good luck with that one you knobs! Boy, are you in for a surprise.
As for the so-called vax injections – as you may imagine, I was extremely suspicious of ’em, but as I was the prime carer for my very ill mum at the time, I reluctantly had a shot of Astra Zeneca, to protect her. Only effect I noticed was a dead arm for a couple of days. I moaned to my buddy who – accurately said, “Kozmik mate, with all the various substances you’ve smoked, snorted, banged up or otherwise imbibed over the years, I dont think you’ve got too much to worry about from a medical jab!” So a few months later I had the follow up dose, no effect noticed that time. Mum had died by then, but as a chap with underlying medical issues, thus making me more likely to suffer badly from covid if I got it, if it exists even, Ive allowed myself to be brainwashed into having the bleeding booster, for all the good it may or may not do. This time they shot me up with Vaccine Moderna, again no effects to report luckily – Ive heard from workmates who were quite sick after the jabs.
Well, if I keel over in a few weeks you can all say what a daft cunt I was to allow them to inject me with their stuff. Im not sure if I’ll have any more – I think they’ll become as frequent as flu shots – and I never bovvered having those, so there we are.
So everyone, have a Happy New Year, especially you Chris.
Peace and Love Y’all
Ghislaine Maxwell: Guilty!
It’s going to get interesting in the new year.
Gnome sayin’
Wouldn’t be at all surprised – and neither would you – if she was offed before she’s even sentenced. So many ways to do it, vehicle accident, prison assault, suicide, etc. etc.
If she thinks she can name a few names to shorten her million year sentence, well various guilty well placed individuals may have other thoughts, eh.
Anyone care to bet on it?
You are a god amongst men young man and you still have the modesty to tell folks to stop donating, your humility knows no bounds, I wish you and yours all the best and hope you have a speedy recovery and sincerely hope to hear from you soon as I really do miss your musings.
Please could you publish / publicize our petition?
SUSPEND Lord Mandelson from the Labour party while carrying out an *independent* investigation into the extent of his involvement with the sex traffickers Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell
Thank you!
Happy new year everyone. I see Tony the pervert war criminal has been honoured by the Queen! Hahaha
Good on’ya Chris…looking forward to 2022.
So the War Criminal Blair gets a K off Her Maj. I half-wondered when that cunt would be reappearing. See him now with a fucking grey mullet! Seems they’ve wheeled him out since he always gets people’s backs up, cant work out if its more to do with the covid bollocks or something else. Given that they have to tell us about it first [whatever evil they have in store for us] I dare say we’ll be finding out before too much longer.
I must consult my Tarot cards.
Peace & Love, y’all.
This yeah?
So why don’t they go through the official channels?
Maybe because Petitions Parliament UK have rejected anything to do with Tony Blair previously?
Gnome sayin’
There is a well known saying regarding the mandarin classes as well as their cronies is that politics is just an act with ugly people. Well in the sad case of Van Tam the mole faced man he takes that to another level. Possibly he is of a Monty Mole origin?
Another anagram – Delta Omicron = Media Control
Jasper – have you been on the wobbly juice?
He just didn’t read the article properly.
Chris, I know your readers will agree, you deserve the dontaions & should spen any excess on serious medicine Rick Simpson oil for start
What this guy cliff mentions is definitely life saving., I rarely comment but, Chris you are a legend & I like so many would be happy to support your recovery.
Do any of you guys watch Alex Bellfield , his channel is called The Voice of Reason, available on you Tube at the moment, he has on going shit with the bbz which is, up to a point ,interesting depending largely on how you feel about Alex.
Just wondered what people felt about him?
Hi Kozmik
An insight to alex Bellfield for anyone who is not familiar with him.
Keep fighting, Chris. You’re a decent bloke, one of the best, and we want to see you back to the Chris we all know so well.
Be careful with the medical mafia. Go for Natural treatments wherever possible. It is said that high doses – up to 100 grammes (about 3½ ounces) a day of Vitamin C can cure just about anything.
It’s bitter, but it’s available as a powder in 500g tubs from Holland & Barrett. Start with a teaspoonful in water and slowly increase the dose until it starts to have a mild laxative effect, then back off a bit.
I haven’t tried it in more than about 5-8 gramme doses. The above advice is something I found elsewhere, so I won’t nag. You’ll be getting more “advice” than you can handle, and only you can decide.
Just get better. That’s all we want.
He shouldn’t be our Prime Minister, he’s been a very naughty boy!
Shouldn’t that be “prime monster“, Moonbeam? They’re all monsters, liars, criminals and child-molesters as far as I’m concerned.
My thinking is that the scum that’s really in control are discrediting the professional clown in preparation to putting someone even worse in number ten.
I’d imagine Starmer would be their first choice were it not for the fact that he pretends to be “the opposition”, so they’ll (probably) have to wait for a general erection to do that.
General erection. Must be one due soon. We’re all getting pretty hard up. 🙂
Bozo has been made even more unpopular over this, and (((they))) wouldn’t have let the story out if they weren’t planning to replace him with another puppet. We’ll just have to wait and see which bastard they put in his place.
He has been a very naughty monkey, but we can be sure the next one will be even worse.
Johnson – I refuse to call him the matey-sounding Boris – in fact his real name is Alexander Boris Cecil Diogenes de Pfell Johnson, or something equally daft and inane. Have you noticed how these cunts all have daft names? And I wouldn’t want to be his 1st born child, if anyone knows who it is, as the first borns of these creatures seem to have an above average chance of dying young. Too many examples to list, but you lot will know what I mean I’m sure.
Is this the end of him? Who fucking cares, one puppet is much the same as another. People fall for it every time, the notion that voting will change anything at all. it doesn’t. This virus nonsense was decided upon and enforced on a seemingly willing world. Who’d have thought whole populations would go full Nazi? Just look at New Zealand/Australia for many examples of this.
Meanwhile they distract us with Prince Andrew/Trump/Biden/North Korea/Russia etc etc. All total bollocks. Lots of us are seeing through this shite for the distraction that it is.
Peace & Love y’all
It’s even worse, Kozmik. The New York born Turkish jew’s original family name was Bey until Bozo’s grandfarter (not a typo) changed it to Johnson.
The whole thing about “government” is that it’s a criminal gang maintaining control over the slaves from whom the bastards have stolen everything they (zog) now claim to “own”. They get rich by stealing from us.
We could tolerate a central administration perhaps, with no power to make our lives miserable, but we don’t need “governing”.
Whatever we call it though, it should NOT be composed of foreigners, as it is at present. Only British People understand and respect British traditions, British values and the British way of life, so to fill parliament with foreigners should be considered an act of treason.
Let well-behaved foreigners live here if that’s what they want, but DON’T give them power over us, and the devil’s minions, known as “jews” (fake hebrews) shouldn’t even be here.
Quite often your security system tells me I’ve entered an incorrect capcha thingy which is bloody annoying when you know you’ve done it correctly, after spending ages typing. Sorry to be such a technospaz but could you make it easier please?
If you can’t, I’ll just have to suffer the fucking thing then, won’t I.
Kozmik – I think the answer to the problem is where you say “after spending ages typing”. There seems to be a time limit on the CAPTCHA, so if you take “too long” typing, you need to refresh the page before posting.
Temporarily copy and paste to a text file if you’re worried about losing all that work, but I don’t think it will be necessary.
Hope that helps.
Apparently they’re going to turn on the 5G in a few days and it will affect everyone. I’ve been experiencing a lot of anxiety ever since reading that comment and I’m terrified.
And I was wondering whether there is any evidence of an afterlife. I read a comment on here saying that people can go home through the sun up the plasma pathways and through the black hole at the centre of the milky way back to the father. Does that mean there is an afterlife?
Don’t worry Dennis. I’m 100% convinced there’s not only an afterlife, but a beforelife as well.
We came from “somewhere”, not necessarily a place, but possibly a state of being, and we return Home when our contract/sentence here is up.
The way I see it, none of this would make sense if life didn’t continue, and if I’m wrong, I’ll never know I was wrong, so why worry?
As for 5G, the symptoms we can expect are the same as the symptoms of the imaginary “covid”, which are the same as a cold or ‘flu (influenza delle stelle to give it’s full name).
See Arthur Firstenberg’s “The Invisible Rainbow” (non-fiction) at the link below for a full explanation.
ht tps://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/scalar_tech/esp_scalartech_cellphonesmicrowave153.htm
Hi Dennis,
I highly recommend reading (if you haven’t already) what Wes Penre says about exiting the grid:
ht tps://wespenrevideos.com/2016/09/15/article-2-the-death-trap-and-how-to-avoid-it/
Hi Montserrat,
I read the article but am a bit confused. Could you explain what happens when people die?
The truth in fiction? From Star Trek:
Good news! (or is it?)
Bozo the Downing Street monkey got up on it’s hind legs today and dropped (all of?) the lunatic restrictions over zog’s imaginary killer plague.
Obviously (((they’ve))) encountered more opposition than they anticipated, but equally obviously they won’t have dropped the plan to murder most of the Human population and enslave the rest. The restrictions will be back, worse than before, as soon as they can invent another excuse, and the fake “vaccines” won’t be going away any time soon, unless WE get off our arses and do what has to be done to get those criminal bastards out of our lives and out of our country.
Perhaps Bill Gates will take this as his cue to release something nasty (as nasty as himself?) at an airport, something that twisted bastard has already threatened to do.
Oops! Forgot the link.
ht tps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gyv7PvBG9kc
Where is everyone? I can’t keep this comments section going on my own. We need to keep it interesting so there’s always something for people to come back to, or I’ll be the only one left when Chris recovers his health.
Here’s something that should get people’s interest. If the videos on the page linked below are to be believed, the plod are actually starting to do their job, rather than beating and arresting people going about their lawful business. At least have a look at it and share your thoughts.
ht tps://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=248577
Goodbye Bozo, Shwitty, Fergson, Cummins-and-goings and all the other traitors and mass-murderers. Hope you like it in (very) Strange-ways until you end up at the end of a rope, and I hope the entire Rothschild family will end up the same way after “Nuremberg 2”.
We can still dream, can’t we? Or has that been banned too?
ht tps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8xY9R05q0I
Oh Boris!
Gnome sayin’
This is an interesting exposee of how Gates and all these Pharma crooks operate. It’s from India but the same methods are used there as here in UK. Pure evil… h ttps://www.corbettreport.com/tengra-indiahealth/
Hello Barney
I’m on your side with keeping it going : ) trouble is, we need Chris too : )
I can’t think of anything new to say about the covid malarkey, so how about we discuss something totally different?
What about views on Ukraine?
How come the UK is now saying ‘we should live with the virus’?
What’s the best recipe for left over roast beef?
Which of our childhood sweets would we like to see brought back? (For me Turkish delight and orange in revels)
Prince Andrew – why do we still have a Monarchy?
Macron – what!
Mr Macron and Mr Macron… https://twitter.com/k01372297stephk/status/1471561056841515015
Oh, and a most important observation- those that say, along the lines of, ‘we must do something to stop this’ – what are they doing to actually stop this?
Hello Chris,
So far I had the Covid 19 in March 2020 (was ill for 2 weeks then okay) and the Omicron cold in Dec-Jan 2022. In August 2021 I had several black spots (around the size of our Quarter) on my calf and hip. Three weeks ago my already previously injured left ankle (about 12 years ago) started to really bother me. Then two weeks ago I could not walk on it at all. The Achilles tendon hurt like someone had put a blow torch on it. Then it really got bad. The pain was unbearable. No I don’t do hospitals. I used a weighted heating pad for hours on end for several days and took aspirin. Then one day I woke up and could put some weight on the ankle and walk sort of….and I could walk on it several days later okay. A friend of mine figured out I had a blood clot in that leg and somehow dislodged it. I guess I got lucky by not going to the hospital and letting the quacks look at me. I am unvaxed and they would have vaxed me for sure!!! I definitely got SHED on by some vaxed idiot or idiots…. even my son got shed on and he has had some weird problems like I have.
Sorry you are still ill…but this too shall pass.
Take care and write to us often as we CARE about you Chris and need to know your progress.
Linda in Amerika
Hello Linda. I was diagnosed with “heart failure” a few years ago, and was lucky to get a 100% positive consultant who also happens to be a beautiful woman (married, of course). Nothing was a problem for her. None of this “that could turn nasty” crap we usually get, and nothing intrusive. No pacemaker or anything like that. She cured me with drugs and nothing else.
I was left with one problem though, that little man in my chest with a big hammer. A friend suggested hawthorn. I looked into it, and it seemed like a miracle cure for everything related to heart and circulation issues, even maintaining ideal cholesterol levels.
After just one tablet that little man was noticeably quieter, and after about three months he was gone.
A well-known shop over here sells (3 a day) hawthorn tablets, but you’ll pay about £60 for a three-month supply. I’ve found a small, local shop that sells capsules at three times the strength for only £11.50 for three months’ supply.
Better still for those who can, go out in the wilds and pick your own.
Apparently fruit, flowers and leaves can be used.
For Dennis (and all others)…
Anxiety = Fear = Disease = Polarity is created …in your own Magnetic Field
Magnetic = MAG-net-IC = MAGIC net … as in Hollywood = Disney = 666 = CRAP Mind/MINED Con+Troll.
All Sentient Beings have a Magnetic Field. You have one!
Your thoughts dictate its current (electrical) state.
We are all Electro-Magnetic Beings and Thought = your Thought, alters your Electrical Status.
What do you plant in a “Field”? Seeds? Ideas?
Why do you think the shysters are flogging the 5G crap? It is to create electrical disturbances in your own electrical field (Think of EEGs, ECGs and what not ….all is electrical.)
What happens if you do not water, or nurture the seed, or the idea? …DEAD as a Dodo? You become stagnant, putrefying, rotting away, for lack of self-control and direction.
So you must nurture seeds and ideas, to bring them to fruition.
So think of what you need in your life first and start the nurturing of it, not by dwelling on it, but by living it 24/7 and dismiss all dis-chord = discord = out of tune (not fore-tuned = no fortune for you).
Current = currency = money = mon-eye – one mind, or single minded = not in polarity = detached from desire, or need to push yourself to do/want anything. It is a state of Mind! (NOT to be Mined, or extracted of your own energy, or “charges”, as in “+”, or, ”-“.)
Why do police “charge” you? Why do Courts “charge” you? Why do banks “charge” you? Why do businesses “charge” you?
Language is how they manipulate you. Language can mean “to Languish”= be in the hole, if you do not recognise what is going on around you and how you respond and/or speak, to Think = Thought.
Here is a test for you. Get your council rates notice and look at the top to see if it says “invoice” anywhere. Odds are, it isn’t there! Why? To trick you into Contracting = Shrink in your own Power (a Con-Job …CON = Opposite) Opposite of what it is saying, or spelling (as in “casting a spell”) = Inversion of words = Freemasonry Word Play, to dis-empower you through your own ignorance.
…Hence the expression ….”Ignorance of the law is no excuse”.
But what law do they speak of?
It is not Statute Law, but Cosmic Law, or, how everything works in life. EVERYTHING works this way.
Think it, live it, be it and things come into your path as you create it 24/7 by your thought process.
What do you think Dreams are?
When you go to “sleep”, you leave your body (every time you do this, every night, guaranteed)
So what to do?
When you leave your body, as in “dying” you go to where your thought process takes you. It is a state of vibration/frequency that directs your journey everywhere.
You need to steer your ship, your consciousness and your thoughts, to TAKE COMMAND of where you go and are at, 24/7. (See my note further up the page on how to “heal” yourself. The same principle is in operation to work with your dreams, to remember them, To record them, to review them, to use them for guidance ….Thought and Directing self to do it, whatever is your issue, or to get you back on track and back “in the groove”, so to speak, write = right = correct thinking.)
So, correct self, direct self, master self.
THOUGHT does it.
Detached = No Polarity. NO Energy is Lost, or is being “vampired” off of you.
The crooks that run the “governments” are the Drainers of your Energy
Word Etymology …“government” from the Latin; “Gubernare” = Control, “Ment” = Mens = Mind (mined = Mind Control = CON + TROLL.)
Literally, Government means, or is, “Mind Control”.
These crooks always tell you what they are up to (predictive programming) and so, if you acquiesce to their games and deception, down the gurgler ye go. ….you are up shite creek.
So in summary …
”Ignorance of the Law is no excuse”.
So KNOW what Law is being applied = your own thoughts ARE the “LAW”. It is the creating essence and how the Cosmos and you actually work …24/7.
Everything else is to trick you to contract, to agree, to acquiesce, to lose power, to shrink, to shrivel.
Learn their games, and so avoid it, or counter it = Speak up and call “a spade a spade”.
Governments/Banksters = Criminals at work, 24/7.
Mastery of Self, Mastery of Thought.
“Seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door will be opened up to you” = Command Self, Direct.
Over to you!
Hi Jock Strap
Love your posts, keep them coming.
Everyone, just keep positive and get rid of the T V, don’t listen to the lies, watch the old comedies on you tube like steptoe and son, the good life and loads of others. Laughter is good for you…X
Now i’m losing things I’ve typed, but I am using a new chromebook thing so I’m still getting used to it. Bear with me.
I have asked the universe for things often for other people and it always delivers..
Peace & Love y’all
Peace & Love y’all, Chris hope you are feeling better every day! Healing vibes and prayers thoughts are coming your way. Soak them all up.
In that newspaper article the word COMBINE probably refers to the global mental institution that passes for life like in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, and the mechanism that is behind it , “the Combine”.
Does “Sue Gray” really exist?
She looks Teresa-May-esque, and “sue G-ray” sounding. Besides, there are very few photos online.
Sue Gray (area) is a bit spooky.
Gnome sayin’
Lost my last comment again
Seems I’m taking too long to write, so that’s one way of making me less verbose.
Anyway, best wishes to Chris, hope he feels well enough to write again soon.
Peace & Love y’all
I know nothing about these fartsmone things, neither having nor wanting one, but is there an option to save your comments before posting? I’m thinking something like copy and paste into a text file.
Like I said, I don’t (want to) know about these mobile tracking devices, but if that’s not an option, perhaps it would let you refresh the page immediately prior to posting, so you get a new CAPTCHA.
Just trying to be helpful.
I’ve tried lots of times to post but it never goes through! If this comment does go through I wish everyone health and peace….DONT give up. We owe it to Chris. X
Again for Dennis et al on what happens when you “Kick the Bucket”…
Clif High talks in 2 videos about consciousness, Life and “death” and other useful tid bits. Check it out.
Clif High: Beyond the Gates of Death
Hi Stefan,
I haven’t watched the videos but could you please tell me whether Clif High says there is an afterlife? I’d really appreciate it.
Yes. That was the point of posting the link. Clif comes at it from many angles, so for the uninitiated it will be easier to comprehend. It is a continuation of consciousness (life, if you like). You always were and will always be, but only as to how your thought process thinks and hence allows. The body is the medium (tool, if you like) to operate on/in the physical plane which is a “Duality” (polarizing) …hence the oft used expression by the Romans. That is, “Divide and Conquer” (Romans now operating as the vatican.) These crooks tell you how it works, but many see it not.
Watch thoughts like a hawk.
If you become really attuned, you can leave the body in the waking state and not be subject ro physical limitations.
You have to start somewhere, to change and know of things and it starts with right thinking and directing where you are at..
“Man, know thyself” is the axiom.
I don’t want to annoy anyone, but are you saying that there is an afterlife?
So is there an afterlife?
I agree 100% with Jock Strapp’s assertion that “You always were and will always be.
Does it really matter whether others believe in a life beyond this one though? We all have to form our own opinions.
As far as I’m concerned (and this is my opinion), nothing would have any meaning or purpose if life didn’t continue beyond this short visit to what often seems like a prison world.
We serve our sentence or fulfil our contract (whichever), and then we go Home.
I see life as an endless process. We have always existed, and will continue to exist in a better state of being (than our Earthly life) when the body wears out.
If our mind remains clear, we continue to learn, and to want to learn, right up to our last day here. Why would that be if we were never to make use of that acquired knowledge?
We lose loved ones (from this state of being). Could we bear the thought that they no longer exist, that we’ll never be reunited with them?
I’m 100% convinced that life is eternal, and if I’m wrong, I’ll never know I was wrong.
Hi Chris, These damn computer auto-post/auto-corrects have let one slip by. Can you please change the name on the above post Io “Jock”. Thanks
50,000 canadian truckers descending on Ottawa and Trudeau in hiding are we seeing history in the making?
2 Minutes of logic…
Unquestionably so QE (not quantitative easing = a money scam = Mon-Eye = single minded).
Indeed, you are eternal and for all intents and purposes, have always existed.
Your memory of this is temporarily forgotten when you came in to your current body and got caught up in all this criminality called ‘”Mind Control” (= MINED) and shyster governments and their indoctrination (DOCTRINE = A CULT, or CULTure.) = Scam.
This is why I subtly suggested you work with dreams and experiment with everything to see that it is all thought based.
Prove it to yourself!
Don’t like anything imposed upon you?
Then Speak Up and “let the chips fall where they may”.
This is “Your Will” ≠ to one’s “last will and testament” crap like in the Probate Courts.
No Polarity = Detachment from any outcome YOU WANT.
Simply …Put out the Call to Self and stand by for results ….No forcing required.
(also called “Humility” = NO Ego, Detached.)
You are just expressing you consciousness all about you and so it manifests (like a ship’s cargo being unloaded (Maritime = Roman = Vatican CRIMINAL Law). Creation!
If you do not ask, you do not receive = Do you want to know?
Then, COMMAND SELF to show you. Then you stand by and watch everything like a hawk, including dreams.
If you actually want to see images of your past lives/incarnations, there are good books about to guide you. or, simply Meditate in front of a Mirror with eyes open and you will get a display like no other!
All is thought based, so COMMAND (Fortune = to Fore Tune) like never before and paydirt is the result.
The Mother Lode = The creator of abundance.
Hi Jock.
I’m going to try the looking in the mirror and meditating, sounds pretty good x
So its not just me having trouble posting?
Hi Kozmik
I couldn’t get on the site to post a few days back, and today it’s took me 3 attempts!
I never give up!
I haven’t had any trouble posting, but each page takes something like half a minute to load. Perhaps (((someone))) is playing games with us.
People elsewhere are reporting sites disappearing. Some have a “violation” message. Others just aren’t there. Seems zog doesn’t want people spreading truth about what’s really going on (not that they ever did).
Hi chris,
Nice to see you mate,i was scared for you,for the obvious reasons when you told us about having to go into hospital,i was so pleased when i read you were back at home mate!
I mentioned before chris for you too get yourself a EMF reader/meter to see if you are coming under attack,i thought about that when you said the dog had gone off her food etc, dont forget people these are direct weapons so dont be thinking it would of affected both dogs in the same house,not really if one spent more time next/around chris, anyway mate it was just a thought, check out Dr horton, barney probably knows all about her,think her site is something like “stopping 007.com” pick out a meter that she mentions about on her site where she rates each one etc.Ive not been on there for years. Maybe we could help you & chip in to get you one if you decide you might like to look into it more because you cannot risk having have go back in hospital.
Just wanted mention to Kozmik if you dont mind me using your comment section to pass this message along to him?
Kozmik you wrote “I must consult my Tarot cards” ,Oh dear! Iam guessing you will be seeing alot of the death cards alot more mate?
When this all started “lockdowns” in march 2019 & chris wrote a post/article saying there was nothing to worry about as it was just a cough & as usual the shit rags were blowing it all out of proportion.
I hope you will go back and check the comment section out as i wrote back then that covid was a hoax and there was no virus,this was wrote 5 days before icke made a video also saying he had now come to the conclusion that its not real,i also wrote that whatever the bbc & sky news etc start telling us what too do,i said to ignore it and do the opposite & you all would be fine,i was writing that for everyone on here,hoping they would believe me and then take it on board & be protected in the long run, so i was extremly shocked when i read on here a few weeks back about you rolling your sleeve up for these bloody poison/toxic injections.
I will just say one more thing to you and leave it, Kozmik,i dont think ive met you in person so i shouldn`t really give a toss what you do but for some reason it did bother me when i read your comment so all i will say is for fuck sake youth STOP rolling your sleeve up for these M RNA jabs and while im on the subject i may as well add for you to STOP taking any of the fucking junk thats in ALL these jabs,you know the normal flu ones etc!
Right then, while im here ill just say if it is at all posible i would like to ask everyone if they are in a position & able to do a controlled experiment with a friend or family member..All you need to do is find a child roughly the same age & sex as your own and if the other child has had all there injections and hopefully yours has had NONE,when the 2 children reach about 3 and a half to 4 years old just leave them playing together so you can compare/notice there differences, then a little later count how many words each child knows and if they know what the words mean and if they can write any of them down & ask them to count etc, “you understand what im getting at ” It shouldn`t shock you too see the bloody difference between the too children, please try this experiment for your selves & that folks is the real reason for all these fucking injections apart from the fact of the other reason and that is to spread disease like cancers etc.
Dont forget luther said in the 16th century the jews can kill you in one day or 20 years with their knowledge of pharmakia,500 fucking years ago guys and they fucking aint stopping any time soon until WE stop them,and that guys is the reason for the destroying of our children with the injections,a dumbed down & bearly able think for themselves aint going be bothering the instigator of all our issues any time soon now are they?
Also never forget kissinger said once we get mandatory vaxcination its all over,we can cull the heard, for the greater good you understand, along with as we have shares in the companies producing these vaxcines we get paid for offering extermination services,this is what they say to each other at the meetings they like to hold.
Oh by the way i was 100% correct with what i wrote in march 2019 & nothing ive learned since that time has made me change my mind,if i saw straight through all their bullshit right from the beginning & knew it was all lies it worries me no end that so many people,possibly billions fell for it all & went along (some willingly) with all the edicts and orders/mandates etc, to be honest it didn`t affect me in anyway & nothing changed apart from the conversations with people who i normally woukl never of spoken with & i can report too you all here and now guys we are in deep deep trouble because trust me when i tell you we are surrounded by complete and utter low IQ flouride & vax damaged morons.I am putting it down to them 2 reasons even though it could be due to all the crap in the food and all the crap in the medications the doctors are giving out or the crap they are spraying from above us,it all adds up and it aint good,oh god its bad out there & this covid bollocks has well and truly brought them out in full view for me/us to see,ive even had people basically growling at me when im pointing it out that the bosses even admitted on tv that they had not even taken there own products/vaxxes so that being the case we shouldn`t either,but oh no no no thats not a reason & we/i should be getting them,unfucking believable its unreal,what is also very worrying is the people who have just left school,oh god its bad they are seriously not very bright at all,ive not seen one i was impressed with & what really pisses me off is the fact my grandad told me about how he heard the bullets going passed his head and how his mates at the side of him went down once shot during WW2,what the fuck were they fighting for cause it aint done their family members much good now adays.there is no point any more,ive tried but very very very few have listened,i just try avoid everyone now,it wont be long anyway alot wont be around much longer.
Ideally if you think/know they are miracle jabbed keep a safe distance away & under no circumstances ever have sex with these people EVER!
Stay safe everyone!
Thanks for your personal concern, but as my friend pointed out to me, over the years of willing drug consumption, any shit they give me has a whole load of chemicals to fight through first. I’m 56 next week and lots of the stuff I’ve taken to get high probably came from them anyway – CIA LSD MK Ultra anyone?
As you say, its the kids we should worry about and they’ve already got most of em.
Tarot cards – no, I don;t see the Death card very often – it means more than that anyway!
Basically, it comes down to the age-old good V evil thing that has been going on since the year dot. And we each know which side we’re on.
Peace & Love y’all
Everything is contaminated from human activities to some degree. Rain and tap water are from the same source (sky), yet the tap water has longer opportunity to be fiddled with, runoff from roads, farming poisons, animal waste. I would not be surprised if these criminals are putting more than chlorine, fluoride and a few flocculants into it the water supply, especially of late with the ramping up of the depopulation agenda (= murdering you all). Also, the rainwater is way less stagnant (imbued with cosmic vibrations).
Note that Chlorines react with organic material and create trichloramines which are carcinogenic. Health and Water authorities (authorities = authors of deception and criminality) are not there for you goodness, it is an illusion, as all these control systems have been infiltrated (no pun intended).
If you create vortexes when pouring water, you actually create Torial Fields (magnetise) which further imbue water with cosmic energy = Healing properties are enhanced!
The ultimate goal in these perilous times is to be as independent as you can, ESPECIALLY with the THOUGHT PROCESS and life’s essentials, to sustain the Physical Body and consequently the Mental, as it may disturb one’s thinking process, if the body is skew-wiff.
In the process of thinking, you actually create your future and what comes into your path. So, like water, do not become stagnant in your thinking. Thought creates everything. The more you think it, the more it comes into your path, so be about the Fathers business = your business.
One step at a time extricate yourself from dependence. Think and go in that direction that frees you = eventually Mastery is yours, or another way of saying it … “You inherit the Earth”, to quote a wise Sage of past times.
Anyone here know what happened to aanirfan.blogspot.com
It`s saying `Blog has been removed` is it up somewhere else?
Twas a cracking read especially when you wanted to get to the bottom of the latest false flag BS or whatever was going on.
That Truckers thing has the hallmarks of a set up brewing a la Capitol Hill stylee.
Hope you`re in fine fettle & fighting fit real soon Chris.
And what happened to January …..whoosh
Your correct https ://aangirfan.blogspot.com/ has gone. If you search wayback machine every article has been removed and 2021 searches just reveal the same single article on every date that you try – https://web.archive.org/web/20210224060203/https://aangirfan.blogspot.com/ – CHILD ABUSE NETWORKS PART TWO.
Seems that he/she/they may have been forcilbly shut down and an attempt to remove all data from his blog has been made.
That’s just it aangirfan didn’t pull Any punches much like the good guvnor here.That blog went full on 💯
Maliciously purged would be the most likely explanation IMO too. Get Over the Target too many times and that’s the outcome!
Rapidly running out of places to gather to find & get the truth out which is alarming.
IF as I suspect they will now go back to battering the population with demoralising false flag ops.
2022 looking already the year they (rent boys @5) and the rest of ZOGs intel vermin are going for it!
Predictive programming all over the Con goy Voy & that Fr33dom 0p looks only the start!
Anyone want to buy a rubber 🦆
I find that too, Carrots. A few years ago, there were more than enough of “our” sites to keep us occupied all day (I’m retired). Most of those sites are gone now, just leaving a few relatively slow-moving sites worth visiting perhaps once or twice a day.
There were a few sites that felt like “Home” to me, where we could spend a significant amount of time discussing things with (mainly) like-minded people. All gone now.
My favourite among these “Home” sites was shut down by it’s owner, presumably due to “burn out”.
Another excellent blogger just disappeared, and nobody knew what happened to him. His site stayed up for a few years, but it’s gone now, and only three or four of us were there at the end.
Dozens of other valuable sites no longer exist.
Curt Maynard appears to have been murdered by zog, the official story being that he “shot himself in the head with a rifle while driving at 55mph“, and if you believe that, I’ve got a nice bridge in London I can let you have for a bargain price.
I corresponded with Patric Grimm after he took his site down due to “burn out” following several attacks by a troll using the name “Apolonian” or something very similar, as mentioned in Revelation 9,11. Funny that.
Mel Gibstein was shut down for the usual “violation of … ” something or other.
Harold Covington MAY have died of natural causes. I know he wasn’t in very good health, but it’s equally possible that his demise could have been hastened by an infiltrator using the false name “Andy Donner”, also known elsewhere on the internet as “Joel I Flake”, obviously another made-up name.
Just a few sites among far too many that are no more.
Some people here have been having trouble posting. I haven’t yet, but I’ve had comments disappear when trying to post to Northern Truth Seeker and Irish Savant.
ht tps://northerntruthseekersblog.wordpress.com/
ht tps://www.irishsavant.net/
It only happens to posts zog wouldn’t like though, suggesting (((they))) have found a way to stop us saying certain things before they reach the site. Either the page freezes or the comment just fails to appear.
Savant doesn’t know what’s happening, but he’s having his own problems managing the site because of some kind of interference.
I’m wondering whether some of this new form of censorship could be happening at the ISP level.
I’m with BT.
Surely we all know that the alphabet lot have control of tinterweb. Remember also they can make videos of anyone saying anything, and photographic evidence is similarly open to abuse and creation. Your heart will tell you what’s true and what’s not. You must have your ‘filters’ in place, always. Check the evidence yourself as much as you can be arsed. Social meedz are full of guvmint agents trying to influence opinion etc.
As Richard D Hall says, believe none of what you hear and only 1/2 of what you see.
Peace & Love y’all
Here we go again. Brighton’s “Argus” propaganda publication tells us some trains are delayed “due to an incident”
ht tps://www.theargus.co.uk/news/19899841.train-delays-emergency-services-called-incident-hastings/.
Translation – Because something happened. We know something happened or there wouldn’t be a story, and “an incident” or “something happened” tells us absolutely nothing, so why repeat the word “incident” so many times as if it conveys some kind of information?
The BBC and jewspapers nearly always say “because something happened” (an incident) when they’re not going to tell us what happened, which translates to “we’re going to tell you what, but not why“, so why even mention the “why” if you’re not going to tell us what happened?
Why waste words that convey nothing?
This did make me laugh. Genius editing skills. ht tps://youtu.be/FkdqR4WKvuU
I think we ought all be very grateful to those who have opened our eyes. The sites closing, getting less active are probably due to ‘the forces’. I am aware that Chris is ill, and cannot post as he used to. Trouble is, without regular posts, morale fades.
I will forever be grateful to Chris, and wish every health containing molecular goes his way. I think, however, we may have to find our own way with the msm spiel. Think Day of the Triffids.
Much love and respect to Chris, for all you have done.
“Trouble is, without regular posts, morale fades.”
That’s pretty much what I’ve been saying, Jacqueline. We all need to keep some kind of a discussion going while Chris isn’t able to run the site as he would like. If there’s nothing to keep people coming back, they’ll just drift away, and when Chris gets his health back, he won’t have an audience.
We can’t let that happen. This site has been too valuable to let it go. Chris will be out of action for a while yet, but I feel we owe him something for all the good work he’s done to date. I don’t have a magic wand, but what I can do is stay involved here in the comments section so Chris will have something to come back to when he’s feeling up to it.
When he’s well, he likes to project a “hard man” image, but I think we all know that’s not the Chris we’ve come to know through his work. He’s a really kind, caring Human Being (sorry, Chris, don’t mean to embarrass you), and I’d hate to see this valuable site go under for lack of support.
Hi chris,
Just wanted to add this info for jacqueline,barney & kozmik etc, please check this out “ht tps://www.brighteon.com/channels/risingtidemedia”
Some great shows on there for everyone to watch,these shows normally go out on revolution radio “freedoms lips radio” on a wednesday & saturday if you wanted listen to them live or you can go too the archives on revradio and download them in mp3 format and listen to them later. they are only about 21mb in mp3 format but i think its better to watch the shows instead of just listening to them from the archives?
Some great info & guests each week on these shows!
Hope you enjoy watching/following the shows on this channel?
Thanks & stay safe everyone!
Happy Valentines Day to Chris and everyone who reads this great website. Wishing you all the best Chris, take care of yourself
For Question Everything and those whom look for bigger insights into your current journey and all the impositions of govt crap Mind Control…
Out of Body Exploring: My Own Experiences with Astral Projection
Jock Strap thanks very interesting.
I’ve long been interested in spiritual matters, and more so since my girlfriend was murdered by her GP in 2004.
She’s still with me, and has given information that I won’t share here.
Life is eternal. I always believed that, and now I have the proof. We have lived forever and will live forever. Death is merely a transition from one state of being to another. When this short visit to the devil’s world is over, we go Home and remember who we really are.
Don’t think your experience will be identical to someone else’s though. Too many people try to tell us “exactly” what our transition will be like, based on their own experiences, but I believe we each have the experience we need.
As one example, it seems likely that the most enthusiastic (we might say “worst”) kind of “Bible Thumper” might face a “judgement”, barely scraping through into their idea of “Heaven” by a “score” of 51%, then slowly come to understand the truth.
Some people would probably become their real selves more or less immediately, while others, as in the example above, may need a temporary illusion, especially in cases of sudden “death”, where the person may appear to continue whatever he or she was doing prior to whatever happened, and gradually becomes aware that “something isn’t right”.
Don’t take any notice of me though. I can’t tell you what your experience will be, except that there’s nothing to worry about.
Good comment Barney.
All is your thought process (vibration/frequency).
Best to not be-LIE-ve anything … go out and experiment, test everything you are about, apply thought in all you do/are. Everything else is a scam at mind (= MINED) Control. MINED means, extracting energy, your energy.
Watch thoughts like a hawk and the words/swords you use = the thought process vocalised/manifested.
Earth History
Going through todays racing I came across a curiosity: In the 4:30 at Lingfield, the expected favourite is called Dolphin Square, and will be ridden by someone of the Maxwell family.
Seems they’re trying to tell us something.
Well, Dolphin Square won and the results page tells us that Mr Maxwell is also the owner. This reminded me of another Jew, Sir Clement Fraud, who owned a horse called Orpen wide. Was this a hint at his liking of young males (possibly at DS)? Indeed, did Mr Maxwell earn the money for the horse and training fees (£20,000+ per year) from activities at DS?
And Boris accuses Russia of a false flag. I didn’t think they existed in our Country.
https://gab.com/Aangirfan – still going!
@ Worldgonemad
Thanks for this!
Just watched the bbc news first time in yonks. Russia v ukraine stuff . A kindergarten was hit by artillery fire during the night. The damage was extensive but thankfully none of the 15 footballs in the room were injured in the explosion . Sad I know and that includes me counting the balls . There were no trainers or shoes anywhere – just a room full of healthy unburst footballs which are obviously blastproof although they musta bounced round a bit.
Glad to see Aangirfan up . Barney may I ask of the website that got taken down – Patric Grimm’s . Another site I visit has a new shill/agent/gatekeeper goes by the monicker Apolonius or appleupanus, just wondering if there could be a connection
I’d say there’s definitely a connection, Eyespaintedon.
I saw this creature in action on Patrick Grimm’s site (correct spelling this time). Once he becomes accepted as a normal poster, he starts posting long, boring, gibberish “comments”, such as asking whether concepts of right and wrong, good and evil, have any validity. It’s obviously all copy and paste crap.
After a while, people start scrolling past his rubbish. So did I, so I didn’t actually see what he was hiding among all that gibberish, but it was obviously something “illegal” that he could then “report” to his handlers and get the site shut down for “incitement” or something.
I’m not sure whether it was one or two of “Patrick’s” (not his real name) sites this creature destroyed, and I’m sure there would have been other victims.
I saw him once at IncogMan and warned “Incog” about him, and I saw him recently at Irish Savant, who I warned by e-mail, rather than alert the troll.
Here’s where he takes his “name” from.
Revelation 9:11
“And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.” (my emphasis)
Apollyon the destroyer (of blogs)
Thank you for that information Barney – all is becoming clear now. There is a good chance this is the same method now employed at another site trying to force the same result. Would it be ok for me to copy and paste your reply , minus names of course and if the people in charge of this site allow this – I’m no expert in how these things work.
If not I can paraphrase the info you have given me and warn the people who run that site if that’s ok .
At the moment the Apollanus is requesting I should be banned ,there appears to be a little group of them or it could be just the same gatekeeper using different names.
Eyespaintedon – Feel free to use anything I post in any way you choose.
After all this time, I can’t be remember the details, but something similar happened to Arthur Topham in Canada. What I do remember was that the troll in that case was the scum that then prosecuted Arthur for having “allowed” the troll to post the comments that were then used to shut him down.
That was a different troll, but we need to take any action we can to warn people whenever a known troll is identified.
Sorry. Not very well worded. Not properly awake yet. I think people will understand it though.
Yves.Take it easy,Chris. Don’t forget ,as it says in the song ,you
“…can see for miles and miles and miles…..”
JUST SAY “NO” TO JUSTIN TRUDEAU (and all the other criminal “leaders”)
an excerpt…
If you are a Cop, a Sheriff, or a Police Officer – then please read what is written above! Does it say anywhere in this statement that the Police will be exempt and saved from what is to come? Does it say that Sheriffs will be exempt and saved? Does it say that their families, their wives, and their children will be exempt and saved?
All Police world wide are ordered to arrest all Freedom loving Protestors! You can already see this happening in UK, Austria, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, France, Belgium, and many other countries.
These protestors will be the first people to go, and will be labeled as TERRORISTS just so that the Police will want to arrest them, hurt them, beat them up, and then put them in jail. The Police will love doing this thinking they are being true heros.
The Freedom lovers are considered “dangerous” to the New World Order because they will never give up their freedoms and usually have guns as well. This step will go on for as long as it takes to get almost all of the freedom loving people arrested and put into camps by the Police of the world.
Once this has been achieved, then the militaries of the world will be ordered by their respective Governments to arrest all Police World Wide.
Read all the 7 Steps on the link… https://www.lovetruthsite.com/just-say-no-to-justin-trudeau/
Thanks for that, Jock. Makes sense to me.
Northern Truth Seeker stays up to date with what’s happening in Canada.
Max Igan managed to get out of Australia just in time and does his best to keep up with what’s happening there.
I usually click on the Bitchute or Odysee links for his latest videos.
Me again!
I’m not into numerology because that much thinking makes my brain hurt, but I’m wondering whether the number 122 has any significance to the (((monsters))) that think they own us.
I remember the hurricane of the night of October 15-16 1987, and still have some jewspapers from that time, plus seemingly truthful YouTube videos about the event, so I can prove it’s not the mythical “Mandela effect”. The hurricane arrived during the early hours of the 16th, and was reported as having peaked at 122mph.
Now we’re being told it arrived on the 15th and peaked at 118mph.
Small differences, but why lie when the facts are easily verified?
Now they’re saying yesterday set a “new record”, with winds peaking at … you’ve guessed it … 122mph.
Why lie, and why 122? Does this number have some special significance for the devil’s gargoyles?
Another year they repeatedly lie about is 1976, but I wasn’t able to save any jewspapers from that year, and the archived reports no longer match what I saw the time. Winston Smith is kept so busy re-writing history that Julia doesn’t get a look-in nowadays.
Well observed..
Now the chief LIZard in the palace is claiming to have zog’s imaginary plague. Will the lunacy never end?
It does make you laugh, restrictions are ending (damage already done via jabs and economic disaster) and the Queer gets the kung Flu! Has she had a booster? Who would be charged with the prodigious honour of sticking an experimental jab into our Monarch?
Hi Barney, as we on here know it’s all just a diversion, oh and ‘don’t mention the war’ ( Putin’s)…. ‘you started it’ … ‘no I didn’t, you invaded Poland’…ha ha ha Fawlty Towers classic.
Canada anyone?………………………….(tumleweed)………………
Gnome sayin’
So in ’87 it was a hurricane at 118 mph, but last week only a storm doing 122 mph?
Our mate Mister Maxwell has gone to Doncaster with Dolphin Square today. 4:35
Why was lead paint banned? The official answer is: to protect the paint-eating children. How ludicrous.
This guy makes some good points, and his answer is: lead protects from radiation.
ht tps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJo6kjzVkxE
Good point, Onon.
About the only source I know of nowadays – if that hasn’t been banned yet – is “red oxide”, sold as an anti-rust coating for steel-bodied cars (remember them?).
Dr Vernon Coleman, probably the only honest medical doctor we’ve got left, wonders whether the old liz-ard will “die of covid” for whatever political purpose.
Translation (my words) Perhaps they’ll decide it’s time to put the old crone back in it’s coffin and ship it back to Transylvania to be with it’s ancestors.
Note. Some people criticise VC for not directly naming the jew, but how long do they think he’d last if he did? In my opinion, he’s much more valuable alive than dead.
Robin Cook told the truth about “Al-Qaeda” and was dead within a week.
Kary Mullis told the truth about the PCR process he’d invented. He was dead shortly before the start of the “covid” scam.
“Eggwina” Currie told the truth about Salmonella in eggs. Her punishment was to share a bed with John Major.
I can’t imagine what Major’s “crime” was, but it must have been something pretty bad.
Anyone else think, now more than ever we’d love to hear Chris’ opinion? : ) I know it’s not possible, but how I’d soak up his words.
I agree, Jacqueline. So much happening, and Chris is out of action. Just an observation though. Don’t come back before you’re ready Chris. Your health is the most important thing, so take as long as you need.
Pity to see so few people commenting though. Sometimes it feels as if I’m the only one here. Come on people. We need to get a few discussions going to stop people drifting away.
It doesn’t really matter (within reason) what we talk about. We just need to make it interesting enough to keep people coming back.
Dear Christopher,
I hope you are ok? 🙏 I haven’t seen anything from you in a while.
Love and blessings to you and Stacey and the wee chap.
Alison xx