Christopher Spivey
Please Note
Despite this being a stand alone article it is also an addendum to my article “This Is How We Do It, Do It” and unless you are very well versed in my work, you would be best off reading that one first.
You really have to laugh at them there Trumpets – My new name for those devotees of the criminal Donald Trump.
I mean, the Orange fella with Weetabix for hair, a surname meaning to break wind & a former prostitute for a wife really, really cannot do any wrong in their eyes… Mind you to be fair Donny Fart does like all of his birds to have been in the sex game – at least where the older one’s are concerned – so he is nothing if not consistent:
In late April 2016, rumors began to circulate online holding that Republican presidential Donald Trump had either been sued over, or arrested for, raping a teenaged girl.
One of the earliest versions of the rumor was published on 2 May 2016 by the Winning Democrats web site, which reported that woman using the name Katie Johnson had named Trump and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein in a $100 million lawsuit, accusing them of having solicited sex acts from her at sex parties held at the Manhattan homes of Epstein and Trump back in 1994 (when Johnson was just 13 years old): Source
And although the charges were dismissed, you will note that the fact that Jeffery Epstein was also included in the case adds credence to the accusation being true.
After all, Trump was very good friends with Epstein for a very long time… Just like Princess Andrew was – who also isn’t a nonce… Apparently!

PHOTO: The Orange Man is not a nonce… Apparently.
Although there are many more [unsubstantiated] allegations of noncing where Donny Fart is concerned:

Yet the Q supporters fucking love him and believe him to be their saviour… Despite the fact that I have been telling you for years that he is a Nazi and is only in power to do the monster elite’s bidding.
Although it has to be said that he is doing a fantastic job:

Yet even those with elastic fanny’s quickly go off him which is hardly surprising since his whole topic of conversation revolves around how he is the best of just about everything.

And where the fuck has Melinda fucked off too since Trump stopped being the best President ever?
Not that she was with him half the time when he was in Office:

Yet a whole lot of these Trumpets see themselves as having their fingers on the pulse… I’m not fucking kidding, they really do.
It pains me, it really does.
However, I feel sure that you lot are not that silly and have seen through his latest old bollox. And of course I have written quite extensively in the past about the criminal so I ain’t going to repeat it again here… After all, you can easily read the articles for yourselves just by clicking HERE, HERE & HERE.
And as an aside, whilst I don’t like to brag, this is what I wrote in one of those Trump articles published on February 6th 2021… Or put another way 3 yr & 6 mths ago:
“I mean, Biden will be 92 yrs old before his first term is over and he is already showing signs of having Alzheimers disease. However, I believe that the real reason that he was allowed to become President in the first place is so as his Vice President, Kamala Arris can step in to take the reigns”.
“Kamala – a whore who slept her way to the top – would have never been elected President in her own right (even with mass election fraud) and as such, those who really rule the world will maneuver her into power via stealth”.

Good that, innit? Go me.
Nevertheless, I feel the need to put a stop to this fake assassination old fanny… Because as I say, Don likes a bit of old fanny – well to be fair he likes a bit of young fanny too.
Including his daughter:

And besides, it ties in nicely with what I have been writing about for the past couple of months… In fact in the three last articles (with one more still to come) I have more than explained how these psyops are done.
So, if you have read those three articles you will know that all psyops are multi-faceted… They have to be in order for everything to connect to everything else, and as well of course to keep nosey cunts like me from discovering the truth.
However, if I was Donny Fart I would at this point say summat like “I’m the best nosey cunt there is. No one is a better nosey cunt than me because I am the number one best nosey cunt when it comes to discovering the truth… And that is not me saying that. That is what my readers tell me“.
But anyway let’s crack on. Now according to the news, this young fella Thomas Crook (you couldn’t make that surname up) put the best Secret Service in the world to shame and shot Donny Fart… So lucky he is the best in the world when it comes to taking a bullet.

Now, that first image – allegedly of Crooks – is about the best there is, with most of the rest being so shit that no one would ever dream of printing them off… So, already we have the blueprint for a typical psyop.
Stage two is to immediately brand the villain of the piece (in this case Crooks) as a proper fucking weirdo with no friends. And of course, the weirdo has to have a hero who is also a psychopath… Who in this case is Ethan Crumbly – Really? who the fuck makes these names up:

Mind you Ethan does look a bit of a psyco.
And then the next stage is to muddy the fucking waters… No draining of the swamp for Donny then.
Now in this case, the first jumping up and down in wellingtons involved Thomas Cooks Crooks parents. I mean clearly they have not decided on who is going to play the role of Mummy yet, hence not one – not one single fucking photo of her to be found… Not even a badly photo-shopped, B&W grainy image taken from two miles away with a proper crap telephoto lens… Although that might change before I have finished writing.
And as for the Daddy, you get a choice… Number one is the redneck fella circled in the photo below:

We know this to be true because it tells us all about him & his wife HERE… An excellent choice for the role of dad, if you ask me.
However, choice number two is totally different altogether:

And we also know this to be true because the inset one is a screenshot taken from a video, shot when the old boy was confronted by the press whilst he was out shopping. And trust me, I have made this screenshot 10 times better than when I downloaded it. Course, the video was shot with the usual psyop techni-shite film.
Course, that fact is also par for the course because it is easier to digitally alter the footage if the quality is proper crap – as is the case here. I mean just what in the name of fuck is going with his ear?
And as for the 2nd image where the old boy is being ‘doorstepped‘ by the Presstitutes? Well how fucking real does that front door look?
Anyway, now we are all clear on the “true” facts… Let me unravel them for you. Now, as I say, all psyops are multi-faceted and as such you cannot just look to one source.
However, as is the S.P with all psyops you only need to delve back into the not too distant past and take a look at some of the actors taking part in other frauds to gain your first footing on the ladder leading to the truth.
Mind you, in this instance I had to go back a bit further than normal… 2014 to be exact with the linking psyop being the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 old bollox, supposedly shot out of the sky over the Ukraine… And he’s got a pair of old bollox has our Donald.
Nevertheless, we are best buddy’s with the Ukrainians now that they have got their fake war going on with the Russians… So least said about the atrocity, soonest mended.
And to be even more precise, we need to look at the Hoare (whore) family who were all fake killed in the Terrapin attack… And as coincidence would have it, I have just written about another Whore in that linked article of mine. Shauna Hoare to be exact.
He likes a Hoare does the former President Guff.

PHOTO: The wholesome Hoares; Daddy Andrew, Mummy Estelle, 15 yr old Jasper & 12 yr old Frisbee Friso.
Tributes have been paid to the banker and his family who were killed on crashed Malaysia Airlines flight MH17.
Andrew Hoare, 59, who grew up in Somerset, died alongside his Dutch wife Estella, 51, and their two sons Jasper, 14 and Friso, 12. They were on their way to Malaysia for a holiday. Source
I betcha can see where this is going can’t ya? So let’s get straight to it:

Spivey 1 – 0 Security Services.
But there are still a ways to go yet. However, as I have said, photos of the Hoare family are rarer than Rocking Horse Shit but while I was searching, having typed in Google Images: “andrew hoare mh17 crash the hoare family plane crash“… Well see for yourself:

Ermmm… This is awkward… I mean, isn’t that a photo of Thomas Crook – the one that I have circled?
And when I clicked on that image, the following came up:

Now this is the BBC don’t forget, and for that reason alone every cunt in the cuntry should stop paying their TV licence… That is to say that every cunt in the cuntry should start a revolution – but they won’t so non payment of TV licence will do for now.
And since “No one is a better nosey cunt than me because I am the number one best nosey cunt when it comes to discovering the truth… And that is not me saying that. That is what my readers tell me“, I clicked on “Visit”… Which took me to the BBC farticle without so much of a mention of Thomas Crook Or the Whore Family for that matter.

Still: Spivey 2 – 0 (og) Security Services.
Ok, onwards & upwards:

Mind you, I have to say that this Malaysian plane crash psyop doubled, trebled & even quadrupled up on using the same persons to play other “Victims”.
Nevertheless: Spivey 3 – 0 Security Services.

Okay, that is the Hoare boys & Crook done for the minute, but pretty conclusive don’t cha think? In fact I would say Spivey 4 – 0 Security Services.
Right, let’s do Daddies next – starting with Daddy No 1, who is apparently called Matthew Ben Crooks:

Nevertheless, since I cannot conclusively prove I am right about those two Dad’s (at this moment in time), I will begrudgingly concede the score to be: Spivey 4 – 1 Security services.
Course most of my fellow investigators would give up with Andrew Hoare at this point since there is no way on earth that he is Daddy Crook No 2…

But not me since “No one is a better nosey cunt than me because I am the number one best nosey cunt when it comes to discovering the truth… And that is not me saying that. That is what my readers tell me“.
So I delved further and found that there is still more to add about Daddy Matty Crook… An awful fucking lot more as it happens.
You see, with this Crook drama being connected to the MH17 plane atrocity (which I wrote about extensively in 2014 because it is also connected to the Glasgow Bin Lorry Bollox), I have been searching my vast photo archives… And not just for this Crook drama either. You see, the Manchester Copper kicking the young fella, Fahir Khan in the head old fanny also triggered something in my head from the past.
And though I have not finished searching yet because this article is one of those on-going ones as opposed to being planned out, I did come across a Terrapin’s mug shot who I have down under the image title as being Maxwell Yearick 2015 – who looks rather like Matthew Crook.

PHOTO: Maxwell Yearick vs Daddy Crooks No1.
Which once again is inconclusive… Although I really should have kept better information detail on all those archived images of mine. Nevertheless, given the year (2015) and the fact that I had compared Maxwell Yearick with a Terrapin involved in the fake 2015 Paris attack, I would imagine that he was summat to do with that.
After all, he looks like he is from the Middle East as well as being how the Press propaganda tells us what a Terrorist should look like.
And here is where it gets fucking brilliant. You see I did a Google search to see if I could find any info and/or better images of Max, and fuck me what a result that was… Despite the fact that I couldn’t find that image again.
In fact I could not find fuck all on that particular Maxwell Yearick.
However, that was no real loss… The following is from Twitter:
Kennon Hooper, 32, of West Oakland, and Maxwell Yearick, 30, of Perry South, both pleaded guilty Monday to simple assault and resisting arrest. As part of their plea agreements, charges of aggravated assault were withdrawn. Judge Anthony Mariani sentenced Hooper and Yearick to one year of probation and 100 hours of community service.
Wanna see a pic of Hooper & Yearick? Of course you fucking do:

Now clearly this Michael Yearick is a different one to ours. I mean he does not look to be from the Middle East and had he been involved in Terrorism a year before this new image, the Press would have had a field day.
Mind you, I clocked straight away that Hooper & Yearick are both the same fella. Remember it is how the press present these frauds that make them look different:

Can you see how Yearick & Hooper match up exactly? Of course you fucking can.
Yet there was I thinking that this would be a quick article for you, exposing Trump for the criminal he is whilst I finish Part 4 of the Mackinlay fraud… Because I am nowhere near done yet. On either of them.
Nevertheless: Spivey 5 – 1 Security Services.
Ok, back to it:

Theory proved: Spivey 5 – 0 Security Services (point deducted).
Now, it has occurred to me that I might be reading the page on Daddy No1 wrong and the author may have intended the photo to be of Shooter Son, Tom Crooks… Although he does not say that. Furthermore Thomas Crooks is reportedly only 20 yrs old and the fella in the photo looks a lot older.
Nevertheless, that is unimportant enough for me to not bother editing what I have already written… I just wish these authors would make things absolutely clear.
And it would not be the first time that the script writers have changed their minds on who should play the role as a parent:

PHOTO: Meghan Markles Mother, Gloria Ragland No1 & No2
Nevertheless, elaborating on the original facts of the 13th of July – as they always do – our ‘new’ Max was originally suspected of either being the shooter or being involved in some way.

However, this information was quickly shut down with Reuters pointing out that Maxwell Yearick was not involved in the shooting in any way and he most definitely is not Thomas Crook .
Now whether that info was released just so as the Monsters could take the piss (as they love to do), or whether the Script Writers simply changed their minds on who the shooter was (as they also do from time to time) I cannot say. But what I can say is that there cannot be any doubt that our ‘New’ Maxwell Yearick is indeed Thomas Crooks…

Ho hum, I suppose we best ought to cross check just for the benefit of those still in doubt – because trust me, there will be some:

Spivey 6 – 0 Security Services.
Now, leaving Crooks just for a minute or thirty and returning to ANDREW Hoare because I think that he is a digitally altered ANDREW Selous (Sell-Us or Soulless). And Selous was the MP for South West Bedfordshire when the plane crash happened don’t cha know?
Course, for any of my newbies to fully understand this claim, you really need to have read my article: “This Is How We Do It“

Selous certainly has a weird ear which if you look at the top image of him, you can clearly see how Hoare’s could have been fashioned from it… Hang on, as per usual I will do all the work for ya:

Nevertheless, more comparisons are needed between the fraud Hoare and the crooked former MP, Selous – who claims to be deeply religious… But then again, don’t all of these Cunts claim the same:

And I think that is pretty conclusive.
Spivey 7 – 0 Security Services.
Furthermore – as is the norm with these crooked MP’s – I strongly suspect that Selous is also the current MP, Stephen Timms. As well as others of course:

Are you having that?
Spivey 8 – 0 Security Services.
And before any of you scoff about the Majik, I would suggest that you read [the linked] Part 3 of my article on the Mackinley saga because trust me, these Monster Cunts are evil and very dangerous.
Nevertheless, Stephen Timms who was faked stabbed in 2010 by a Terrapin bird should also be our faked persona Andrew Hoare, should he not?
Of course he fucking should.

Spivey 9 – 0 Security Services.
And as a quick aside while searching for photos in my archives, I came across the images that I had used when I wrote about the MH17 psyop and it turns out that Andrew Hoare the non-person also doubled up on his victim role in the old bollox, playing a fella named Gary Tiplady:

Spivey 10 – 0 Security Services… I’m bored of that game now.
And as a very quick aside, Daddy Bazza also played DC Lilicock – who was also involved in the drama:

But anyway, now I have no other fucking choice but to go and see what I can find out about Gaz Tiptoe or whatever the fuck false name it is that he calls himself.
I fucking hope there is fuck all to be found because this supposed quickie that has now turned in to a longey, still has a long way to go. See ya soon…
Hi, I’m back from my Google search of Gary Tiplady and any hope I had of “a quick aside” has well and truly gone down the pan.
In fact I am at a bit of a loss on the best way to proceed now… But I suppose the longest journey starts with a single step so I am going to put Mr Tiplady to the side for the moment and carry on with the Andrew Selous and Stephen Timms connection, who as I told you also have connection to others.
And another of those connections is the former MP Andrew Mackay who was forced to resign after fraudulently stealing public money… Any normal Joe would have gone to prison.
Course Mackay is also another Wanker with a wonky head:

And then we have the fake murdered MP David Amess, who I will compare with Stephen Timms. Amess, who I have seen close up does not have a wonky head:

However, I am not going to compare Amess with any one else apart from Andrew Hoare due to time restrictions following what I have learned about Gary Tiplady.
Nevertheless, suffice to say, Amess does tally with the rest.

Okay, returning now to the Trump hoax and let’s have a look at Daddy Crook No2.

PHOTO: Mummy & Daddy Crook, who’s name is indeed Matthew Thomas Crook
And the delay that I have encountered has actually done me a little favour here since there are one or two clearer images of Matthew Crook now on the net as well as our first glimpse of Mummy. Moreover, as I said earlier he looks fuck all like Daddy Andrew Hoare.
However, on my travels I was led to a photographers site who had taken photographs of “The Hoare Family“… No, not our Hoare family because they are all play dead.
The Hoare family in question are American and the photo below was taken in 2016 when the Trump shooter Thomas Crook would have been 12 yrs old:

PHOTO: The American Hoares.
And to my mind, Daddy Crook looks very similar to Daddy Hoare:

So, inconclusive and you will have to make up your own minds.
However, I do have some more photos of this Hoare family to show you. And would these Hoares not be one hell of a massive coincidence?
I mean, we have already proven Thomas Crook to be the son’s of Andrew Hoare from the plane crash… So let me show you what else I have gained from the American Whores Hoares:

However, despite once again the comparison being inconclusive, the evidence is still stacking up against the American Hoare family.

And on this comparison we are almost certainly talking about two different boys, but it is the ‘family’ resemblance I am hoping to convey here… Although once again inconclusive.
However, this next example is slightly more telling:

Yet still inconclusive.
However, when searching my photo archives I did come across the following which I had prepared whilst writing about Tony Martin [fake] shooting dead burglar Fred Barass (bear arse):

And I have circled in red the young Philpott relevant to this story:

Yet there is still more. You see I also covered a story where the very suspicious Simon Cowell supposedly covered the medical costs of some unrelated little boy.
And that boy was an exact match for the young Philpott boy:

So it is obvious where I am going with this:

Nevertheless the most conclusive of all those comparisons to my mind is Daddy Hoare & Daddy Crook. So, here are some more comparisons of Matthew Thomas Crook to look at.

And as for Mummy Crook, well due to the lack of images I cannot offer that much.
Nevertheless, I have to say that she is a ringer for Ethan Crumbly’s Mummy – Ethan being Thomas Crook’s hero… Apparently:

And then there is the shooter himself, Thomas Crook, who as I mentioned above supposedly idolised the killer Ethan Crumbly – who I now need to bring into play before anymore MH17 victims. You see, Crumbly is also Thomas Crook:

And of course that is only the half of it but so far we have Thomas Crook as the MH17 flight brothers, Jasper & Frisbo Hoare, partners in crime Kennon Hooper & Maxwell Yearlick, and now Ethan Crumbly.
So let’s see what else I can come up with.

It’s all in the eyes, don’t cha know.
Next up:

And just one more before we do the Flight MH17 contestants.
You see, there is a young fella from Birmingham called Thomas Crook who was involved in a totally bollox story back in August 2022:
A man says being involved in a car crash saved his life because hospital tests showed he had meningitis.
Thomas Crook, 25, collided with a silver Mercedes Sprinter van as drove home from work along the A5 in England.
Emergency services raced to the scene and, when he was rescued from his blue Ford Transit, paramedics noticed a very high fever. At the hospital, tests revealed Crook had meningitis, which doctors said could have been fatal if found later. Source

Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t… Once again you decide.
Right, let’s compare the would be assassin, Tom crook with some more Flight MH17 ‘victims’:

And then there is the son of John Allen (mentioned above with Bazza Sweeny) who was also fake killed on Flight MH17:

Which then brings us to Jack O’Brien – who guess what? He was also killed on flight MH17:

Everyone on board?
Good, because you are going to like this next bit. You see, as you all should know by now no Sock-Puppet (a false online identity, typically created by a person or group in order to promote their own opinions or views) is made up of just one altered image.
And as I showed you in my article “This Is How We Do It, Do It“, images of porn stars are often used in the process (probably due to their lack of morals) – who in this case is the American Dirty-Gerty, Jennifer Matthews (stage name Jenni Bliss), who was/is used to play the roles of Thomas Crook & his band of merry men Sock-Puppets… Yep it’s that gender-bender piss take thing that the Monsters love so much.

PHOTO. The ever youthful Jennifer Matthews
Now I would imagine that Jenni Bliss was originally drafted in to play MH17 victims Frisbo & Jasper Hoare since she is very young looking even though she is now 31 yrs old… Indeed, she doesn’t look a day over 18.
Bless her.
However, since the articles main protagonist is Thomas Crook, we will start with him and work backwards.

Betcha by Golly Wow, you didn’t see that coming… And I am sure you can work out what I have done with the B&W image.
But once is a ‘coincidence’, whereas three or four times is a high probability:

Next up, Jenni from round the block a few good times & Ethan Crumbly:

And then we have Flight MH17 ‘victim’ Quinn Schansman, who to me looks the most like Jenni Bliss so far:

In fact Quinn is probably sourced from that very same image of Jenni. And for those of you who like gratuitous nudity, here is that image in full with an added half face overlay of Quinn:

Bless her and all those taking part in the MH 17 old bollox… Cunts!
And that really only leaves Jasper & Frisbo Hoare to compare her with, but since both boys are sourced from the same image, I am only going to compare her with one of them.
Course, you are free to do your own investigation and for those wishing to try I use Zoner Photo Studio 16… It is free and simple to use for those of us who are not tech wizards.

Jenni would have been 21 years old at the time of playing Jasper (aged 15) & Frisbo (aged 12)… And I think that is all pretty conclusive.
Okay let’s now do Gary Tiplady who I am sure you haven’t forgotten about, but here’s a reminder:

And as I also said earlier, Gary threw the direction of this article into a bit of turmoil. Nevertheless, on his appreciation Facebook page (I have no idea who set it up) Tiplady is described as “Actor/Artist/Writer/Chef/Boxer/Celebrity Lookalike and a truely giant of a man in both heart and body“.
It also appears that he cooked for our dear departed Queer Elizabeth… Which is very suspect.
However, as far as his acting goes Tiplady featured in only two films one of which was French. And in both, it is obvious that he was picked because of his size (7ft 3ins) and not his acting ability. So, as a failed actor Tiplady then set his heart on being a Richard Kiel (Jaws in James Bond) lookalike.

Which he wasn’t too bad at but it didn’t pay the bills and as such, he used his crap skills as a ‘wire sculptor’ to supplement his income.
And it would seem that when that wasn’t enough to live on he turned traitor to his fellow man and took part in the flight MH 17 scam.
But here is the thing. The Flight MH 17 scam took place in July 2014 and Tiplady has not had an online presence since August 2014, including sculptors… Very fucking strange.
Nevertheless, let us have some comparisons:

Now I am sure that you need no more convincing on that one, but do you remember our MP’s from earlier on?
Well take a look at this:

Now that is some Satanic majik shit!
However, I can do much better than that in the case of Timms & Tiplady, because despite knowing in my own mind that I am correct in what I say, the following comparison is far better than I ever could have hoped for to prove it to you:

As I say, I have been doing this for a long time now and matching images has become second nature to me.
And of course, it all goes much deeper. Enter Anti- Islamic, and one time French Presidential candidate, Philippe de Villiers.

And to finish up with Flight MH17, let’s have some randoms:

Now when I wrote about Flight MH17 back in 2014, I picked up on the fact that Roger Guard was also helicopter pilot Peter barnes.
The following is from Wikipedia:
Peter Barnes was a British commercial helicopter pilot. He was killed on 16 January 2013 when the Agusta Westland AW109 helicopter he was flying collided with a construction crane in central London.

And of course that helicopter crash was also a faked event.
Right, just a few more and then we will return to the wholly corrupt, repulsively perverted, Donny Trump.

That should be Fatima Dyczyynski but I was never going to remember that while preparing the comparison.
Meantime, Petronela is the daughter of deceased arms dealer, Adnan Khoshaggi – once said to be the richest man in the world.

I’ll betcha didn’t expect that match either, did ya?
And here is what the criminal Pelosi said four days after the ‘atrocity’:
Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement on Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, confirmed to have been shot down over eastern Ukraine:
“While there are still many unanswered questions about the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, there can be no question that this is an unspeakable outrage. Our deepest sympathy is with the family of Quinn Lucas Schansman, a Dutch-American, and all the families, friends and loved ones of the 298 passengers and crew members who were killed yesterday.
“For every mother and father, daughter and son, spouse, friend and colleague who will not be able to greet their loved one at the airport with a warm embrace, our thoughts are with you – and we stand determined to find answers about who is responsible. As the President said today, ‘the eyes of the world are on eastern Ukraine,’ and it is clear there must be a credible international investigation into what happened.
“As we offer our condolences, the American people also offer our strength, hope and prayers to everyone touched by this devastating loss. We hope it is a comfort to the families of the passengers that so many around the world share in their horror and grief at this terrible moment.”… Source
Indeed, our world leaders are just like porn-stars; no morals what so ever – and will fuck anyone & everyone if the price is right.
Furthermore, here is what Pelosi said about the then POTUS, Donny Fart:
Nancy Pelosi accused Donald Trump of betraying his oath of office, U.S. national security, and the integrity of the country’s elections... Source – Wikipedia.
Now how’s that for continuity… Go me.
And as for that ridiculous, totally unbelievable assassination attempt? Well Trump appeared in the press plaster free just two weeks later:
Donald Trump has been seen in public without a bandage on his right ear for the first time following the assassination attempt against him in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13.
The former president was seen bandage-free for his meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday. The FBI confirmed on Friday that Trump was hit by a bullet in the ear during the shooting... Source
Say that again? The FBI confirmed on Friday that Trump was hit by a bullet in the ear during the shooting... And that is from the FBI known for their meticulous wording of events!
Unbelievable! I mean if the ‘bullet’ had so much as grazed Trump’s ear the velocity alone would have caused major damage to his wing-nut.
Yet as we see in the photos below, taken at the above event, there is not so much as a remnant scab to be seen:

There was no assassination attempt.
I mean c’mon for fucks sake, you gotta be dumber that a box of rocks to believe that a Billionaire like Trump would be willing to risk everything for ‘his people’ by taking on the ‘Deep State’… Fuck me, if he even so much as thought about it you can bet your fucking life that Thomas Crook’s bullet would have hit the perverted, corrupt criminal right between the fucking eyes.
Yet, most idiots do believe it – including many supposedly ‘clued up‘ donuts. Yet as I wrote in my article linked to this one, Donny Fart is probably Amshel Rothschild who supposedly hung himself in the Bristol Hotel in Paris:

I mean if nothing else, why the fuck would a multi-millionaire like Rothschild hang himself when he had so much too live for, including two young daughters… And in a hotel of all places instead of at one of his massive stately homes?
And this [fake] “attempt” at ending Trump’s life is nowt new. I mean this old fanny is hardly the first attempt on a US President’s life – former or current, but usually when needing a boost in the polls.
In fact President Andrew Jackson (apparently Trump’s favourite former President) was the first in 1835… The following is from Wikipedia:
While Jackson was leaving the United States Capitol on January 30, 1835, Richard Lawrence, an unemployed house painter from England, aimed a pistol at him, which misfired. Lawrence pulled out a second pistol, which also misfired. Jackson attacked Lawrence with his cane until others intervened to restrain Lawrence, who was later found not guilty by reason of insanity and institutionalized
Sooo, the would-be assassin had time to pull out a gun & take aim at the President. Luckily that gun misfired after which assassin Lawrence then had time to react and pull out a second gun… And after taking aim with the second gun and pulling the trigger, that too misfired.
How fucking unlucky can a would be killer get? Or looking at it on the flip side; how fucking lucky can a President get?
Nevertheless, it seems that President Jackson was finally the first to react, quickly getting over the shock at being shot at twice before attacking the culprit with his walking stick… Like ya do.
That is to say why the fuck did no one intervene quicker? Did the President’s just wander around in the streets without bodyguards back in the day?
Yet it was a piece of piss to get away with back then, what with no mass communication at the time… Although strangely enough the photos were much better quality back in the 1800’s than they are today… Certainly those photos were of Abraham Lincoln who was allegedly the second President to somehow be got at.
Lincoln was supposedly assassinated by John Wilkes Booth who tellingly was a well-known actor and a Confederate spy.
And he does in fact remind me of the renown horror author, Edgar Allen Poe – who having died at the ripe old age of 40 was 15 yrs gone & forgotten by the time Booth kicked the bucket:

And you can also add Albert Einstein to the mix:

I’m not saying it is, and I’m not saying it isn’t.
But i suppose we better cross check:

Again, I am not saying they are the same person but the images have certainly been manipulated in such a way as to create a Satanic connection… It is also blatantly obvious that this shit has been going on since the early days of photography.
Nevertheless, after his death, Abraham Lincoln simply became William Henry Seeward:

And according to Wikipedia, Henry Seeward was an:
American politician who served as United States Secretary of State from 1861 to 1869, and earlier served as governor of New York and as a United States senator. A determined opponent of the spread of slavery in the years leading up to the American Civil War, he was a prominent figure in the Republican Party in its formative years, and was praised for his work on behalf of the Union as Secretary of State during the Civil War. He also negotiated the treaty for the United States to purchase the Alaska Territory.
Meantime, Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 and fake died on April 15, 1865.
And of course, Seeward was sufficiently well connect as to be in the elite monster club and as such, subject to Satanic connections at the very least:

John Brown was a prominent leader in the American abolitionist movement in the decades preceding the Civil War.
Furthermore, there is a lot more to be said on this subject which I will cover in Part 4 of my Mackinley articles.
However, you would not believe the coincidences between Abe Lincoln (the 1st President to be murdered while in office) and John F Kennedy, the last President to be murdered while in Office.

Hmmm! Now what I find hard to believe about the Kennedy assassination is that he was born into one of the most corrupt & Satanic Family’s ever to walk this Earth… Indeed, the Kennedy’s are a branch of the 13 Monster families who rule the world and are as evil as they come.
Therefore, why wasn’t JFK or at the very least his Mafia connected old man, Joseph informed that if he didn’t want to end up dead then he better get himself in check?
And of course, being as connected as he was JFK would know that this was not just some idle threat to be ignored.
Therefore, I kinda think that his assassination was also bollox and JFK may (and I stress MAY) simply have become the future President, Jimmy Carter – Something that many others also believe.
The following is taken from the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library Foundation published in November 2014:
This afternoon we’re deeply honored to welcome the 39th President of the United States Jimmy Carter, to the Library of our 35th President, John F. Kennedy.
It is remarkable to think that these two Presidents were contemporaries, born just seven years apart. Both served in the Navy. And as President Kennedy remarked in his inaugural, which I’ll paraphrase here, they were of a generation of Americans tempered by war and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed.
Course, Carter is allegedly still alive and set to turn 100 yrs old next month (October 2024) which would mean that if he was JFK, then he would be 106 yrs old… Although to be fair the freaks do live to a ripe old age.

PHOTO: Jimmy Carter (circa Nov 2023) is supposedly still alive.

These photos of Jimmy, taken 9 months ago are at his wife’s Rosalyn’s funeral and at the time his son said that the former President was rarely awake “these days”.
Moreover, I have – in the past – proved beyond all doubt that both Jimmy & Rosalyn Carter are as corrupt as they come… Rosalyn having taken part in the John Wayne Gacy fraud:

White House photograph of First Lady Rosalynn Carter with Democratic Party activist and serial killer John Wayne Gacy.
So, let’s have a look at making a case for Carter being John F Kennedy. And as we have read, both men served in the Navy:

Fuck me! I have almost convinced myself on those comparisons alone… And do remember that each persons ears are unique:
Ears are actually unique to each and every person, so much so that they are comparable in uniqueness to the fingerprint... Source
Kennedy was supposedly assassinated in 1963 – the same year that Carter was controversially elected to the Senate. And then in January 1971 Carter was sworn in as the 76th governor of Georgia – enough passing of time for the millions of Americans to not make the connection between him and John Kennedy… In fact, it is noted that outside of the state, most people hadn’t a fucking Scooby Do who Carter was.
And besides, at that point in history, nigh on all of the world’s population still believed the Kennedy assassination to be genuine. So, let’s see what else I can come up with:

Pretty damn convincing… And that should please the Q-cumbers too who swear blind that JFK was alive up until 2 or 3 years ago. Without them mentioning the Carter link of course.
And next up were the two assassination attempts on Gerald Ford – the mush who followed Carter into the White House… Both unsuccessful attempts were carried out by Flat-Dick’s and not only badly bungled, but also terribly planned out.
Ford is the only American President never to win an election being as the job was given to him following the resignation of the criminal President, Richard Nixon… One of Ford’s first jobs was to make sure that his former boss was pardoned for his crimes.
However, tellingly the puppet President Gerry Ford appointed Nelson T Rockefeller as his Vice President and it is in all probability the latter who was really running the show.

Indeed, Nelson Rockefeller was by far the most charismatic albeit shortest of his four brothers.
But getting back to President Ford and despite the huge media attempt to portray Jelly Gerry as an all round American hero, the public were not impressed.
Therefore, to try and get people on side the ‘powers that be‘ decided to used the tried & tested assassination bollox.
However in this predictably bodged assassination attempt on the extremely unpopular President, the script writer’s came up with the totally bizarre story that the shooter would be the [by that time] very well known Charlie Manson devotee Lynette Fromme, who was nicknamed “Squeaky”… And who strangely escaped prosecution for the Manson murders despite being one of Charlie boys longest serving disciples.
The following is from Wikipedia:
On September 5, 1975, Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme, a member of the Manson Family cult, attempted to assassinate United States president Gerald Ford in Sacramento, California. Fromme, who was standing a little more than an arm’s length from Ford, pointed a M1911 pistol at him in the public grounds of the California State Capitol building and without chambering a round in the gun, unsuccessfully attempted to fire.
After the assassination attempt, Ford continued to walk to the California state house, where he met with Governor Jerry Brown. For her crime, Fromme spent 34 years in prison and was released on August 14, 2009—two years and seven months after Ford’s death. The Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids, Michigan, later received the M1911 pistol used in the assassination attempt as a gift, and the gun was put on display.
How improbable was that!
Yet after failing to get the reaction that the script writers had hoped for, they had another bash just 17 days later… Again the following is from Wikipedia:
Sara Jane Moore had been evaluated by the Secret Service earlier in 1975, but agents had concluded that she posed no danger to the president...
And of course, that is still the SP for Government frauds such as this one.
She was detained by police on an illegal handgun charge the day before the assassination attempt, but was released. The police confiscated her .44-caliber Charter Arms Bulldog revolver and 113 rounds of ammunition…
Blah, blah, blah.
Sara Jane Moore was standing in the crowd 40 feet away from Ford when she fired two shots with her .38 Special revolver. The first shot missed Ford’s head by five inches and passed through the wall above the doorway Ford had just walked out of. A bystander named Oliver Sipple heard the sound of the first shot and dove at Moore, grabbing her shooting arm before she pulled the trigger a second time. The second shot struck John Ludwig, a 42-year-old taxi driver standing inside the hotel, in the groin. Ludwig survived.
Nearly always two bodged shots, although how the fuck they worked out the incredibly accurate 5 inches is beyond me… I mean that would have been nigh on impossible to calculate and as such you would have thought the missing distance would have been given at an estimated 6 inches (or a half foot), if you get my meaning.
And of course, someone had to get shot in the performance. I mean that is the first rule of a fake assassination attempt. But at least Gerald escaped with both his wing-nuts unscathed… As did Donny Fart in reality.
San Francisco Police Capt. Timothy Hettrich grabbed Moore and wrestled the gun from her hand. Many other officers immediately joined in subduing Moore. In the meantime, the president’s Secret Service team pushed Ford into his waiting limousine where the Secret Service and Donald Rumsfeld lay on top of him.
Ha, ha, ha, oh my fucking days… I mean, this may well have been the wholly corrupt Donald Rumsfeld’s first photo shoot, but it certainly wasn’t going to be his last… Indeed the Don, Don later took part in the Ronald Reagan fake assassination attempt before being filmed picking up airplane parts from the Pentagon’s lawn on 9/11… Wanker.
Moore pleaded guilty to charges of attempted assassination on December 12, 1975. The following month, on January 15, 1976, she was sentenced to life in prison. On December 31, 2007, at the age of 77, Moore was released on parole.
Now take a look at these:

BOTTOM PHOTO: The usual photo of panicked looking Secret Service Agents following an assassination attempt.
And as for the Reagan psyop which I covered in great detail back in the day? Well, what a balls up that was from start to finish… Reagan was in all likelihood an Ephebophile since it is noted that he had sex with the then 15 year old starlet, Elizabeth Taylor… Unlike Gerald Ford (Fraud) who was an out & out nonce:

Furthermore, like President Ford, Reagan was also no more than a puppet President with George Bush Snr really calling the shots.
And with that being the case, it is hardly surprising that the Bush family feature so prominently in the fake Reagan assassination attempt.
I mean the young, would-be assassin was named as being rich-kid, John W Hinckley Jr:

And the apparent reason for the assassination attempt made no sense what-so-fucking-ever… The following is from Wikipedia:
Hinckley was reportedly seeking fame to impress actress Jodie Foster, with whom he had a fixation after watching her in Martin Scorsese‘s 1976 film Taxi Driver. He was found not guilty by reason of insanity and remained under institutional psychiatric care for over three decades. Public outcry over the verdict led state legislatures and Congress to narrow their respective insanity defenses.
Hinckley was supposedly released in 2016 – having [allegedly] done 35 yrs in a mental facility.
Moreover, to add to the old fanny it transpired that the millionaire Hinkley’s were close friends with the Bush family.
In fact, just before the assassination attempt one of the Vice-President’s son’s was supposed to have had a dinner reservation with Hinkley Jr’s brother:

Which of course is also in line with all the bollox elaborating on the story that always follows a psyop.
And there can be little doubt that John Hinkley Jr, was played by Jeb Bush – son of V.P George:

Are you having that? I am, so I hope you are.
Now, I may have already said but back in the day I wrote an absolutely brilliant article exposing the Reagan hoax assassination attempt.
And you might be able to still find that fantastic read on the “wayback machine website”… I dunno cos I haven’t checked.
You see, I still have all the images from that [should have been] award winning piece of mine and as far as I am concerned they adequately do the job of exposing the hoax, just as well as any words can.
And of course there was the other 2 obligatory gun shot victims, who in this case were allegedly, White House Press secretary, James Brady – supposedly shot in the head & paralyzed – & some copper or other:

I came to get down, I came to get down
So get out your seat and jump around
Jump around (jump around)
Jump around (jump around)
Jump around (jump around)
Jump up, jump up, and get down
It’s not funny… Well, it is a little bit.

In fact you would have thought that Jimmy Brady & Rambo would have learned to duck following their first rodeo.

And do you know what else the Ford, Reagan & Trump fake assassination attempts all had in common?
They all ended like this:

You really, really gotta love the Trumpets & their naivety.

Good that innit?
Just sayin’.
Excellent work Chris. That pic of Ronnie Ray-Gun after he was ‘shot’…….his thumb and forefinger are giving the circle sign, which symbolizes The Eye Of Horus, and his other three fingers are slightly curved, which represents 666. They love to let us know don’t they? As for the names they give themselves…….whore (Hoare) and Crook. There it is in plain sight. They are admitting that they are whores and crooks…….as if we didn’t already know that!
Was hoping you’d cast a spell on the southport “Now that’s what I call dance hits Vol 2024” Only one who died was a local cat who got locked in a shed and was forced to listen to a Tiler the swift roofer CD for an hour banging out Fiddler on the roof in a rented council house. Luckily that ended when MI5 arrived in the back of 20 ambulances with their crisis actors party kit to liven things up. Never known a karaoke singer so constantly promoted as that swift transvestite, he makes Macron’s wife Bernard look like it could have a fanny. And what about that superman black window cleaner Clarke Kenya. Thank fuck he flew in to “Lock eyes with the Welsh madman” Phew what a fucking hero these immigrants are, he’s up for a Victoria cross sponge. Must have brought a few tears to 2 tier Kier’s underpants. No white far right British thug could have locked eyes with a fellow taffy and survived.. Luckily ISIS was discovered hiding in the back of the media’s filing cabinet this week and were delighted to come out and promote Tiler the swift roofer’s latest dance party con fest. £600 each for 7-10 year old concert tickets, CANCELLED, sorry no refunds just be grateful your child survived ISIS …phew. Next week Tiler the swift roofer will be ballroom dancing with one leg whilst teaching Mary Berry how to bake yummy Muslim mud cookies with the other leg and still managing to teach liberals how to sew lesbian solidarity hijabs to tie round their heads. “FREE FREE the latest thing.”
I knew I had seen thomas crook as soon as I had seen him at the time. And thankfully spivey does the bizo so we don’t have too. Because bloody hell was there a worse staged event? Who are they employing down the C.I.A to write that rubbish. Loved the spivey 5 security services 0 lines.
The real crooks are all those running the show.
Here is a good example from Richard Vobes…
The judge ran out of court! (On the unlawful council “rates notice” deception) 1 hour.
Chris, do you ever wonder if it was all worth it? I am sure that you do. I know that you have paid a heavy price for speaking out. Me too. A VERY heavy price. But I believe that the seeds have been sown, and that one day, the filth that rule this planet will be defeated. It won’t happen in our lifetime…….we won’t be here to see it happen. In fact I know for sure that I won’t. But it will happen. You see, anything that is built on evil is destined to fail, because evil is a destructive force in and of itself. NOTHING that is built on evil can last, and ‘They’ know it as well.
Not unless a meteorite hits the planet and hopefully knocks it back to the stone age, i see any possible future for humans more like HG Wells time machine with dumb as fuck tards wandering around eating fruit without the mental capacity to question who was making the electricity and sewing machines for their polyester clothing or who the hell was banging around under ground. On second thoughts, nah, there is no hope for the human race it will die out sterile and disabled jabbed to death with poisons and eating non protein starched white shite rice, pasta and potatoes, only conciliation is the globalists will also eventually starve to death in their bunkers with no peasants left to provide their food. Last woman on Earth will be a 100 year old creature jabber the Kardashian desperately injected its own arse with sewer fat until its butt explodes over its head.
You’re probably right smell sock. Maybe I am just deluding myself in hoping that things will eventually change. It’s a bitter pill to swallow though…….knowing that you put yourself in the line of fire, and it was all for nothing. A very bitter pill.
Eastend Girl – take heart. I don’t know your situation, but take comfort in knowing that you know the truth. In the world we live in, the minority will never overcome the majority. When the covid fear hit the population, I pointed out the Gov’s official statement to a good friend of mine. Her response was ‘we’re better off not knowing the truth’. She remains a very good friend, yet it dawned on me how many people are quite content with simply getting on with their own lives, leaving the world to get on as it will, and just bemoan their lot.
Sites like this allow us to share thoughts and Chris gives us proof.
Was it all worth it? Absolutely so, because if you changed even just one person’s perspective on reality, then that is a life well spent.
Christopher my dear boy congratulations on a very good in depth article, I particularly liked it when you quoted the horrendous idiot Donald(duck) Fart boasting that he grew his ear back ho ho ho I had a good laugh at that one. How on earth do those gullible Americans believe in that twat. I wouldn’t be surprised if the straw headed fool wins the election as it doesn’t matter which puppet gets in.
I wondered if you saw the TV programme Fatal Flight Shoreham, twas very interesting it actually showed a photograph of the ejector seat travelling upwards with the orange flames of the rockets which powered it upwards, of course if it was real Andy Hill would have been sitting in it.But he was nowhere to be seen . Anyways looking forward to more people commenting hopefully laters J
Jimbo I go past the “site” of the Shoreham Bollox every now and again and for the last couple of years it’s been a building site and interestingly enough the firm doing all the work utilises the Star of David in it’s insignia,, just saying’…
Weird how all the material evidence like all the untouched traffic lights on the intersection, where apparently a plane crash took place, are going to be ripped out to make way for a different backdrop?? maybe I’m overthinking it
Another excuse to enforce “smart cities”, like Maui, LA, North Carolina, etc. on the majority of decent people. I wish to fuck the majority of the world would wake up before we’re all condemned to be even more controlled and wiped out. Staying strong and trying to get the truth out is exhausting and frustrating but some of us keep on going somehow x
Al Fayed/ Kashogi now in the spotlight hmmm..
is it all CGI? they have technology beyond our comprehension. do any of them exist or is it just a narrative to distract us,control us? anything that gets out into the public is deliberate. I dont believe the diddy stuff its there to distract us from there attempt to lock us down permanently.
All in power are crooks and all answer to their masters. I hate this world, it gets more evil with every passing day.
I just feel Spivey wasted his time and went through hell trying to tell us things but now it looks like he’s be forgotten. No one replies to anyone anymore! where have all the regulars gone?
That is exactly how I feel x
Chris, so sorry to hear you feel let down. I hope some of the regulars read this and get back to supporting you. I will be grateful to you
Chris, so sorry to hear you feel let down. I hope some of the regulars read this and get back to supporting you. I will be grateful to you for all you’ve
I asked a few of my coincidence theory friends about how to drum up a bit of support for Chris’s work and website and the general consensus I got back was pretty much that no one visits websites any more, and social media is where it is all at nowadays.. food for thought maybe?
Only thing is that Chris’s articles are far too big and in depth for scrolling through like most other stuff on Instagram and twitter and tiktok… And as the great man says himself, you have to have been reading them from pretty much the beginning to be up to speed with how all these false personas etc are created, and how it all has to connect, so he doesn’t have to explain every time to a new audience.
That said, your articles are as good and intriguing as ever Chris, thanks for taking the time to produce them.
maybe substack could be a viable option, there are quite a few similar minded people using that platform to write and distribute articles. The subscribers will get an email notification when the new article is published, and be able to go over and have a look.. there are also different levels of subscription which will range from free to the highest where the creator can decide what perks to give each tier..
not bad at all really, it works for a lot of creators out there at the moment
Chris, I feel the same. Just like you, I have paid a HUGE price for speaking out against these monsters and for trying to do the right thing. There was a time that I was naive enough to believe that people like us could really make a difference. I think it was the Covid Hoax that finally opened my eyes. Seeing a whole nation of people wearing sanitary towels on their faces, simply because their satanic ‘Masters’ ordered them to do so. Without a single shot being fired, every cowardly bastard laid down without a fight. For the few of us who refused to obey their orders, we were mocked, ridiculed and suffered open hostility. I think that was the moment when I knew that the human race was not worth saving. A long time ago, a friend of mine said to me, “don’t you realise that no-one believes what you tell them, and even those who do believe you don’t care”. Seems she was right.
Ive been reading for over a decade. Infrequent commenter, but here at least weekly, hoping for a new article. I completely understand why Chris has thrown in the towel, but it is a huge loss… Sincere thanks Chris..Youve blown my mind and scared the crap out of me, but I do feel better equiped to try to deal with whats coming, now I have an understanding of how things work..
On another note, any thoughts on Mr Hall anyone ? Seems his (rather strange) actions may be bringing in a new law to restrict what us plebs can or cant say !!
Its my beautiful dogs 11th birthday on December 25th, so happy Stans birthday everyone…
Hi Tim, regarding RDH and the new laws being drafted I have been following Miri’s Massive Missives (By Miri AF) over on substack and she makes a compelling argument that RD Hall is like the Uk equivalent of Alex Jones and has either willingly or somehow been used , like Alex to score an immense own-goal for the truth community, leading to changes in the law.
When you find out that RDH was staking out a teenage girl, and the whole premise of him doing so added nothing useful to his research, it starts to look like the whole thing was staged for the law change. I must admit that I did watch a lot of RDH’s previous videos on various topics and considered him to be very thorough and methodical in his work, but I know many who never took to him.
He really, really should have known that going after the victims in person was a no, no. I too find the fact that he did very, very strange and agree that he has caused us a major set back.
Happy new year all.
Chris x
This website and its predecessor opened my eyes. I check this page every day for updates and new comments and am disappointed when there’s nothing. I need to learn more!
Hi y’all good to see more people commenting again, I haven’t been able to myself as I have been ill with COPD or emphyhowsyourfather sorry can’t spell it. Worse still I detected a lump in a delicate place and I am sure it was the big C however thanks to Jock Strapps recipe on a previous article on this site I am pleased to say it is being defeated .
Thanks Jock the cure was a mixture of 100 % organic maple syrup and baking powder I couldn’t remember the original recipe so I took a chance and even though my memory is on the wane I persevered and measured out 2 desert spoonfuls of maple syrup and one of baking powder and mixed them up stirring well I then placed the mixture in a Pyrex cup and heated it gently on my lecky
stove gently where upon it frothed up nicely I then ate it all in one go with a desert spoon and wow it coursed through my body and it even cleared my lungs enabling me to breathe much better also.
Apparently you have to do it every day until the cancer dies and once it’s gone repeat the process weekly to stop it coming back . It worked brilliantly and the tumour is only slightly noticeable, anyways I am going to keep up the treatment and I heartily recommend it to anyone suffering from the illness.
Apparently they have known that this baking powder remedy works however the National Harm Service like killing people with their nuclear radiation process as the energy companies no doubt make big bucks ot of it and the government obviously get a shedfull of filthy lucre when they present the death certificates to those lovely Rothschilds Bank of International Settlements. By the way in reply to Idiotusmaximas yes I know that slip road onto the way to the Shoreham Airshow well as I used to drive along the A27 to Hastings as I used to live in Burgess Hill which I renamed
Buggered Hell ho ho bye for now
regards to all J
Hi Jimbo, Good to hear you mastered the art of healing self.
To heal = heel, as in get your dog to be obedient, or another way of saying it is, “Command Ye Me” = you are creating the vibration by the thought process and the Cosmos acts upon your instruction. Many ways to heal self, the shortest route is to tell yourself to heal yourself and the energy reconfigures the physical body, bit by bit. It can only start (and finish) in your thought process. That is the Power Point. It is always the thought process that does it = alters your frequency.
Hence the need to detach from the crap all about. Merely speak with integrity and the Cosmos does the works ….cannot force it as that is the ego/lower self puffing out its chest.
26 years now, no work, no social security. Just cruising along amongst the crap the shysters keep flinging at us.
We keep putting out the word (COMMAND, if you like) and bit by bit, mastery achieved, (health is only one aspect to it) included is the exposure and accountability for all these criminals running the cunt-ries. Much cage rattling and holding all to account, amongst the daily grind of doing the repeat of groundhog day, it is all so ho-hum!
The Baking Powder assists in the creation of an Alkaline state of the blood. Cancer is created and expands in an acidic environment, which is not the state of balance …slightly alkaline is the order of the day. That is why the crooks push the processed food, it has sugar and all sorts of poisons.
Here is a really good site to check out, just so you know how much poison is put into everything, especially food and water. (Get filtered rainwater if you can ASAP, cooking and drinking (and showers, if that is possible)
Thanks Jimbo 🙂
You didn’t write anything for over a year – I totally understand your inability to do so, however people will have felt you’d stopped. I did. Like lots of people, I checked daily in the beginning, then weekly, then monthly etc. So much had gone on, but nothing from you.
Then you appeared again! Hoorah! Yet with an article about bionic man, which was excellent, but in a way, there was much more going on in the world that we wanted your take on.
Then the Trump article – and nothing since. You were so virulent with the latest news coming out. You don’t do that now.
The articles mean a lot to me!
I check everyday to see if there a new articles, I am sure there lots of us that feel the same
Ash, they do to me too. I was simply pointing out to Chris a possible explanation as to his comment prior. No detriment to Chris, at all.
Sorry Jac, wasn’t casting aspersions on anything you were saying, just a general comment, nice to meet you though.
Chris output used to be incredible!
Hi everybody.
Still unmatched in the so-called troofer movement imo, irrespective of timelines, so fuck that no pressure. It’s a low bar though😆so don’t get all over inflated ego whatever you do, can’t have that😄
Remember Icke mentioning the wall to wall emerging shilly uprising a few years ago. At the time I thought it was one his usual sent by source (just for him of course 🥱) predictions and paid no attention. At that time there were a handful of people worth a listen/read that were discussing the shit show, but I don’t recall any of them dissecting the Windsor conglomerate at all, as accurately and intensively evidenced by you Chris. If they did discuss them at all, only cursory statements alluding to this or that was suggested regarding the collection of actors. Given the latest talked about for 10 seconds scandals of the slumlords, it’s not dented their popularity at all. The salivating stockholm syndromed knee takers still worship and beg for more abuse, they love it!!! This blanket brainwash is without question the biggest successful psyop e v e r. Love it when American’s ask why we don’t get rid of them🙄yes people it’s our fault…!!!
Same psyop rules apply to the goons in Westminster, Police, Military, Pharma, Media, NHS and so on.
I feel saturation point and truth fatigue is a new syndrome for a lot of us. That’s NOT to say I don’t want you to carry on🤣I’m selfish, I do! We’re facing constantly evolving heavy duty drama fed through our screens by the hour ffs. How many people are dealing with jabbed changelings? Altered personalities? Deteriorating physical and mental health? Blanket denial? Admission of regret? Rare as!! What was 2020? Was it really the year the satanic shit fest flood gates were deliberately burst open or what?! Fast forward, present day almost 2025, none of it’s going away, than in itself is a head screwer. Soon as monsters inc believe the herd may be relaxing they up the anti x 100 and in same breathe give us Kate’s carol concert to look forward to, burgundy or bottle green coat I wonder😴 There’s only so many ways to say this is so fucking mental to the few who get it🤣😆Survival of the fearless – our new normal!💪🏻✊🏻
It’s thanks to Chris I’m a bit more awake than before. I’ve bought the books etc. A lot of my friends relatives just think I’m just lol. Looking back I believe Chris is way ahead of the other truthers. I really hope you don’t give up ,your info is the most trustworthy ,Thank you.
Good to see people commenting
however I know how you all seem to be like me traumatised by the scamdemic and the way it turned the population into a load of compliant cowardly idiots.
I don’t know if I mentioned this before but after things had eased off a bit I decided to go from my present location down to Devon
where I used to live and got on a train, I had to change trains at Bristol and asked a guy in rail uniform if the next train went to my destination and he said he didn’t know so I said where do you come from and he said Brazil all the staff
were foreigners and eventually I got on the train and found it was the wrong train and stopped at every flipping station so I realised I wouldn’t get there in time and decided to abandon the journey and go home. The sinister part of it came when I realised that it was a brand new train and I noticed where you boarded there were two windows with a gap between and one window actually had a fine filament of copper gauze embedded into the glass.Forming
a Faraday cage I worked out that it was so that a Robot could sit or stand by that widow and not get zapped as microwave directed energy weapons are hazardous to them as well but as they are made of titanium they can withstand a certain amount. They are building one hundred giant incinerators which also have turbines to generate enough energy to supply over a million homes and businesses .They are building one 15 miles north of here in an area of outstanding natural beauty. There is one operating near the Naval Dockyard in Devonport and when I lived on a boat on a canal I often saw a massively long goods train travelling slowly with the names of 2 large corporations Ocean and Suez which have merged they were on their way to the giant incinerator plant to unload the refuse from this area to Plymouth to the plant it must be at least a hundred miles from here . when the residents In
Plymouth voiced their concerns over this as a possible health hazard the scientists said it was no problem as the plants would burn at such high temperature that only nanofied carbon would be dispersed into the air which was not dangerous . which blows part their Zero carbon bollocks but you still hear all these idiots bleating on about climate change now it’s cows farting causing a hazard as anyone with half a brain knows that
every little pile of leaves and compost heaps gives off methane
which is not dangerous at all. Yet
the liars are telling us it is including these dozy stop oil activists.
No wonder we are all despondent
when we are being chemtrailed to the extent we are becoming senile and I just found out recently that
Alzheimers only started in 1979
oh well happy days I don’t think
L8ers J
Hi Jimbo – hope you’re well. Having done loads of research on causes of ill health I found that statins are a major cause of dementia/alzheimers, along with fluoride and, of course all the jibby jabs “they” are trying to force on us. It’s all about population control and big pharma profit. It’s disgusting the shit they’re putting in these miraculous cures – including fetus cells, canine cells, aluminium and other metals, human DNA, etc. Even Dr Frankenstein wouldn’t have been evil enough to do this to his monster but the monsters are running the world!
I was also appalled to see evidence that the scamdemic was another way to import hundreds of thousands of African/ Middle Eastern/Muzzy soldiers under the radar (pardon the pun!) by flying the cnuts in.
I wonder if there are any awake, unbrainwashed snipers that are also so fed up that they can start taking out the despotic evit cabalistic monsters.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones people and prepare yourself for a last stand.
Not commented for a while, keep passing and looking in the window. When I first met Chris, must be over 10yrs ago now I thought we were going to make a real difference. “Percussion Boy” is irrefutable but he was shut down and gagged. Richard D Hall has suffered a similar fate over Manchester and I would say that his comprehensive analysis is also irrefutable.
Social media posts can now constitute arrest and or imprisonment. This is happening across Europe not just here.
Make the most of Christmas this year with family and friends cos it may be banned by next year. 🎄
Yes Maz B very strange times it seems the Globalist Cabal have been encouraged by the way the virus scamdemic has decimated the whole world and inflation is climbing which is a way of the Elites to control the masses by
impovershing the populace
We don’t know what the next step is probably ending cash by bringing in a crypto currency then they will stage another scamdemic we will have to see !!!
Dr Rainer Kurz: ‘It’s time to investigate Jeffrey Epstein’s business associate Lord Mandelson, the new British Ambassador in Washington’
Clinical psychologist Rainer Kurz, PhD, says: “The late psychiatrist Dr Joan Coleman reported in 2011 about her work with 80+ survivors …
“The research supports the testimony of many survivors. It strongly suggests that further investigation and media attention are required.”'BEYOND_BELIEF'_ON_SATANIST_RITUAL_ABUSE_SRA_IN_THE_UK_-SCRIPT_REVIEW_FOLLOW-UP_AND_PSYCHIATRY_IMPLICATIONS
Jeffrey Epstein’s business associate, Lord Peter Mandelson
Such a lot going on in the world – any comments Chris?
Congressman Cohen expressed concern at suggestion Jeffrey Epstein had compromising photographs of Trump
Congressman Steve Cohen .. expressed concern that the pedophile financier Jeffrey Epstein reportedly had compromising photographs of Donald Trump …
“News of the photographs was reported … in The Daily Beast …
“… Congressman Cohen asked FBI Director Christopher Wray about the FBI’s search of Jeffrey Epstein’s home …
“‘Did the FBI retrieve any evidence that prompted the agency to open a new criminal investigation with a target other than Epstein for alleged sexual abuse?
“‘Did the FBI recover any evidence that the FBI suspects Mr. Epstein held to blackmail others?
“‘Will you open up the FBI’s records about your interactions with, and investigations of, Jeffrey Epstein?’
“The FBI has not yet responded …”
does anyone know mr spivey irl? i am wondering if the legal environment in england has changed to the point that he is not able to continue with his articles? i myself am not in england, so i dont know if that is a reasonable suspicion or not.
Robert, here in England, NOTHING is too unreasonable or outrageous to believe. My own personal thoughts are that Chris has realised (as many of us have) that he made a huge sacrifice in his life for nothing. All of that hard work, all of that effort, not to mention the personal costs………and for what? I think that Chris under-estimated the level of sheer stupidity and cowardice that is inherent in most of the human race, and frankly, this is something that I myself was guilty of. I could give you many examples of this, but I feel that just one will suffice: Here in England, we have a ‘King’ who was best friends with one of our nations worst paedophiles (Jimmy Saville), and yet not one of the ‘peasants’ seems disturbed or outraged by it. Indeed, whenever our nonce ‘King’ goes on one of his walkabouts with his hideous wife, you will see the peasants waving their little plastic Union Jacks and cheering for the piece of shite. I for one can understand why Chris decided to throw the towel in. It’s a great pity, because Chris is excellent at what he does and he is a fantastic writer, but I guess he reached a point where he knew that you can not educate a nation of turnips.
Yes, and now it’s reported that prime minister Keir Starmer has nominated Jeffrey Epstein’s very close friend Lord ‘Mossad’ Mandelson to be our Ambassador to Washington, where:
“He [Peter Mandelson] is going to be negotiating with Trump’s new appointee as Secretary of Commerce, Howard Lutnick.”
Howard ‘Mossad’ Lutnick, the 9/11 Co-conspirator, was Jeffrey ‘Mossad’ Epstein’s next-door-neighbour:
“A Crain’s investigation found that JEFFREY EPSTEIN’s history at 9 East 71st Street, New York is entangled with the adjacent property, 11 East 71st Street, New York, now home to HOWARD LUTNICK, the President of Cantor Fitgerald.”
Howard Lutnick’s company, Cantor Fitzgerald, lost 658 of its employees to the 9/11 attacks. Yet curiously enough, at least seven of the company’s top executives — including Howard Lucky Lutnick himself! — were absent from the company’s World Trade Center offices when they were toppled!
Howard ‘Mossadl Lutnick paid for Fergie’s office in the ill-fated North Tower of the World Trade Center, from which the duchess ran some very sketchy ‘children’s charities’ including Children in Crisis: co-founded with Ghislaine Maxwell’s friend Clare Milford Haven (the marchioness who, in a separate context, later employed Ghislaine’s TerraMar business partner: Catherine Vaughan-Edwards).
Howard ‘Mossad’ Lutnick’s second-in-command at Cantor Fitzgerald, LEE AMAITIS, served as a trustee of Fergie’s sketchy charity Children in Crisis alongside Robert ‘Mossad’ Maxwell’s business partner: Dr Anthony Wallersteiner, the headmaster of Stowe School whose sister was the lover of paedophile Lucian Freud.
After 9/11, Howard ‘Mossad’ Lutnick and Cantor Fitzgerald sponsored summer charity galas at Stowe School in 2002, 2003, and 2004. Stowe School, where Jeffrey Epstein’s island-neighbour Richard Branson studied, is in the constituency previously by Ghislaine Maxwell’s father, Robert ‘Mossad’ Maxwell.
Ghislaine ‘Mossad’ Maxwell personally attended the 2003 summer charity gala at Stowe School sponsored by Howard ‘Mossad’ Lutnick’s company. It was called the La Dolce Vita party and was to fundraise for the Cantor Fitzgerald Relief Fund.
As well as Maxwells Robert and Ghislaine, and Richard Branson, Stowe School is also associated with Ghislaine’s former lover the Duke of Rutland (listed in Epstein’s ‘black book’ — he sent his sons to Stowe), Rutland’s live-in employee the convicted paeodphile Harvey Proctor, various Zionist spooks linked to child abuse, a paedophile former Headmaster (thought to be Jeremy Nichols, who was friends with serial paedophille Bishop Peter Ball), and a reported VIP paedophile ring that assaulted Carl Beech and other child victims.
Howard Lutnick’s second-in-command at Cantor Fitzgerald, LEE AMAITIS, previously wrote : “Once I settled in Britain, I was approached to help with the [children’s] charity Honeypot”. Honeypot is based near Blackfield, in the New Forest, a few minutes east of Exbury, home to a branch of the Rothschilds.
The late Jacob Rothschild’s friend Laurie Oppenheim has been a trustee of The Honeypot children’s charity since 1998. Another keen supporter of The Honeypot is Esther ‘Mossad’ Rantzen.
“Esther, who has a home in the Forest, is one of the charity’s biggest fans. She was guest of honour when Honeypot held a lunch and fashion show at … Chewton Glen Hotel at New Milton,” the local newspaper reported.
In nominating Jeffrey Epstein’s close friend Petie ‘Mossad’ Mandelson to be the new U.K. Ambassador in Washington — where he will continue conspiring on future false flags and atrocities with his U.S. Mossad counterparts like Howard ‘Mossad’ Lutnick and the other Zionists in Trump’s Administration — Keir Starmer will be aware that Mandelson will enjoy diplomatic immunity for criminal acts.
But then, Keir Starmer’s wife, ‘is Mossad’ — and apparently operates as part ‘Handler’, part ‘Beard’ — so is anyone really surprised?
Incoming UK ambassador walks back comments on ‘danger’ of Trump: ‘Ill-judged and wrong’
“Diplomatic immunity … allows diplomats … almost total protection from local lawsuits and prosecution …”
Dr Rainer Kurz, C. Psychologist:
“The late Psychiatrist Dr Joan Coleman reported in 2011 about her work with 80+ survivors.
“For a name to be placed on this list it had to be identified by at least 2 eyewitnesses who independently corroborated each other.”
See *** Page 10 ***. Remember, “at least 2 eyewitnesses who independently corroborated each other” :-'BEYOND_BELIEF'_ON_SATANIST_RITUAL_ABUSE_SRA_IN_THE_UK_-SCRIPT_REVIEW_FOLLOW-UP_AND_PSYCHIATRY_IMPLICATIONS
“Emails suggest Mandelson stayed at Epstein’s Manhattan mansion in 2009, while Epstein was in prison for soliciting prostitution from a minor.”
RE: “EastEndGirl says: … Here in England, we have a ‘King’ who was best friends with one of our nations worst paedophiles (Jimmy Saville), and yet not one of the ‘peasants’ seems disturbed or outraged by it …”
Speaking of Chucky, for those interested, here’s a link to newspaper articles chronicling the deeds of Chucky’s demonic friends Jimmy ‘Mossad’ Savile, Michael Fawcett, Peter Hain, Paul Kefford, Bishop Peter Ball, Sir Laurens van der Post, Stephen Salmon, Michael Colvin, Charles Hornby, Arthur C. Clarke, Robert Coghlan, Roger Benson, Sir Harold Haywood, Lord Richard Attenborough, and Ted Hughes:
Do you know and fraternise and have a gay old time with 15 demons? King Chucky does (and again, his wife Camilla was a regular houseguest of the late Zionist kingpin, Lord Jacob Rothschild):
Just wanted to say to Chris, thank you for the work you have done and it is appreciated. Did someone on here used to live on the Isle Of Wight i remember?
We associate the Isle of Wight with Jimmy Savile’s friend Lord Mountbatten, who was once its Governor.
We further associate the Isle of Wight with Derek Laud and his close friend Bear Grylls; Bear’s late father and the rest of the Grylls family; close friends ‘Petie’ Mandelson (or Jeffrey Epstein infamy) and the late seafaring Prime Minister Edward Heath; Petie Mandelson’s close colleague Virginia Bottomley and the rest of the Bottomleys; ‘children’s champion’ Dame Esther Rantzen; and the enigmatic ‘Eyes Wide Shut’ actor: Tom Cruise, close friendly of royalty.
Derek Laud — the alleged Dolphin Square paedophile and sex trafficker who once holidayed with Queen Camilla in Tuscany — recently went door-to-door campaigning in the Isle of Wight with Tory MP hopeful Joe Robertson.
Derek Laud’s friend and business associate Bear Grylls, the former Chief Scout, was raised in the Isle of Wight, and his mother may live there still.
Bear Grylls’ late father, Sir Michael Grylls (with whom our friend Derek Laud was likewise in business) was reportedly a paedophile who sexually assaulted then-child actor, Ben Fellow.
And the CEO at Bear Grylls Ventures, Rupert Tate, is listed in the black book of ‘Mossad’ paedophile sex traffickers, Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein.
We also associate the Isle of Wight with Peter Mandelson’s political chum, Lady Virginia Bottomley, who is listed by Dr Joan Coleman in her ‘RAINS list’ of individuals allegedly involved with a ritual sexual abuse cult on the South Coast and the New Forest.
Virginia Bottomley’s family has for “seven generations” spent their
“high days and holidays” in PRIORY BAY, according to the fine Lady herself.
In an amazing coincidence, PRIORY BAY was the same Isle of Wight parish reportedly chosen for “visits” by Petie Mandelson and his close friend Sir Edward Heath, the keen yachtsman and alleged serial paedophile who also had a penchant for the child abuse island of Jersey.
Isle of Wight resident David Icke has written:
“I am told that Heath is a regular guest at the secluded PRIORY BAY HOTEL on the east of the Island and that former government minister Peter Mandelson also stays there …
“Co-incidentally, Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman … have apparently been guests at the Priory Bay Hotel, according to a former worker …”
Icke added:
“[The Isle of Wight] is one of the satanic capitals of the UK … There are many centres for this satanist-paedophile network on the island … [including] at least one yacht club and a seafront hotel …”
As health secretary, Virginia Bottomley strenuously denied the existence of rings involved in ritual sexual abuse of children, for reasons unknown.
In a similar vein, the good Lady’s husband, Sir Peter Bottomley, strenuously denied ever visiting the Elm Guest House in Barnes, where multiple witnesses have alleged that children from care homes were pimped to VIP customers — including the late Lord Leon Brittan.
Finally, we associate the Isle of Wight with ‘children’s champion’ Esther Rantzen, who now resides at Bloodoaks, on Wych Green, in Bramshaw in the New Forest, minutes from where horrific animal sacrifices are continually reported by the BBC and local media.
Esther Rantzen has said:
“I was born in 1940 … [and] we were lucky enough to have a few holidays, [including] to the ISLE OF WIGHT …
“[In 2014, I] took the family to CORFU, which was the first place we took our children when they were very young …”
In an interesting coincidence, CORFU was the overseas base of Lord Jacob Rothschild, whom Epstein survivor Maria Farmer has accused of sponsoring Jeffrey Epstein.
Lord Rothschild often entertained Derek Laud’s holiday partner, Queen Camilla, at his Corfu home. Peter Mandelson is very close to more than once branch of the Rothschild family; indeed Epstein’s close friend and business associate was recently reported to be renting a home in Wiltshire from Lord Rothschild’s son, Nat.
Mandelson won’t be needing that for much longer if he wins Trump’s approval to be the next British Ambassador in Washington, which would give him diplomatic immunity from criminal prosecution.
The Isle of Wight is a fascinating place!
Hi MK,
Ageed IOW is fascinating.
Tom Cruise is a regular, I’ve seen him a few times.
Satanic ritual abuse isn’t historic, it’s still happening…there are known locations on the island where this occurs.
Icke IMO only, is NOT who his fans believe him to be…
I have noticed lots of strange/dark/evil energy at different places on the island
I agree with the Icke comment as well
Cheers for that, a lot of jews as usual.
Hi Falcon,
The island hierarchy of a few families literally pulling all the strings – property – drugs – council – police – pedo prison…interesting little place isn’t it???!! 😵💫😂
Are you from there?
This gay Jewish prime minister is blackmailed. Juat who IS Victoria Starmer?
Keir Starmer knows full well that Mandelson is a Mossad operative who schemed with his Mossad partners Lady de Rothschild, Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein and the Mega Group to steer and entice Prince Andrew into their Mossad ‘honeytrap’ to furnish Mossad and Friends with (even more) kompromat on the U.K. royal family/the British establishment. Presidents Trump, Clinton, Bill Gates, and scores of Mossad’s other strategic targets were likewise honeytrapped and videotaped or documented committing very serious crimes — often (though not in every case), sex crimes.
With this sort of material, the ‘control files’ Mossad has built (and continues developing to this day) are highly effective at manipulating and steering the G8 governments, global corporations and supranational organisations to serve the greater Israel agenda. Blackmail works, and blackmail based on illegal sexual acts is the most effective kind. Few world leaders or global influencers will ever dare to disclose what they know of Israel’s involvement in the September 11 false flag atrocity. And if any ever did start to become ‘chatty’, they wouldn’t live long enough for it to be reported.
Keir Starmer knows very well that Peter Mandelson served with his Mossad partners Lady de Rothschild and Kevin “alleged serial sex attacker” Spacey at the Old Vic theatre trust. Mandelson became an Associate Director at the Old Vic during the period when his best friend Spacey was allegedly assaulting scores of young actors there and elsewhere. During Mandelson’s tenure at the Old Vic, his close friends Lady de Rothschild and Spacey served on the board of the Old Vic Theatre Trust 2000.
Keir Starmer similarly knows full well that Mandelson’s other Mossad partner, Lady de Rothschild, “introduced Prince Andrew to Jeffrey Epstein in 1999 at a birthday party for her husband.” “Hers was one of the names on Epstein’s private-jet log.” “In 1997 Lynn bought the Manhattan townhouse she then sold to Epstein in 2000 (for a fraction of its assessed valued); they installed Ghislaine Maxwell at the property until 2016.”
Keir Starmer knows very well how Mandelson joined the NSPCC’s ‘Full Stop’ campaign to befriend Prince Andrew, and begin the work (with the assistance of Lady de Rothschild and Ghislaine Maxwell) of grooming the duke for the ‘honeytrap’ at Epstein’s U.S. residence(s).
Keir Starmer similarly knows all about Mandelson’s historical activities with the serial rapist and child killer Edward Heath: including the fact that these decades-long friends (Mandelson and Ted Heath) were identified by survivors of childhood ritual sex abuse, to the late Surrey psychiatrist Dr Joan Coleman.
In light of everything he knows, why, then, has prime minister Sir Keir rewarded Mandelson so handsomely with the “best and most prestigious foreign post” a U.K.PM can bestow?
The reason has an awful lot to do with Starmer’s wife, Victoria, who, as a young lawyer starting out, was employed by Dame Margaret ‘Mossad’ Hodge’s then-husband, Sir Henry Hodge.
Victoria Starmer, nee Alexander, qualified as a solicitor in 2001, the year of the Mossad linked September 11 false flag atrocity, and then worked for Henry ‘Mossad’ Hodge’s law firm, called ‘Hodge, Jones & Allen’.
Henry Hodge was a member of the executive of the National Council for Civil Liberties (‘NCCL’) when it was affiliated with the Paedophile Information Exchange (‘PIE’).
And Margaret Hodge oversaw the Islington Children’s Homes Abuse Scandal as Leader of Islington Council from 1982-1992 … with Henry (who went on to employ Victoria Starmer) serving as a fellow Islington Councillor when he and Margaret met and got together.
As a Mossad power couple, Henry and Margaret Hodge were among the primary co-architects of New Labour with Petie Mandelson and Lord Levy: refashioning ‘Old’ Labour as a new entity committed to the greater Israel agenda, and supporting Mossad’s use of child trafficking and paedophilia rings in London and elsewhere to that end.
The Hodges, Jeffrey Epstein’s partner Lord Mandelson and Michael Levy led New Labour, with Anthony Blair merely providing the public face.
The Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) encouraged paedophiles to patronise the Elm Guest House, a ‘de facto child brothel’ supplied with underage boys from the Grafton Close Children’s Home overseen by Richmond Borough Council where Keith Vaz — Margaret and Henry Hodges’ New Labour colleague — was employed as a solicitor. In 1982, with the Islington Children’s Homes Abuse Scandal now in full swing, Mr Vaz left Richmond Council linked to the Elm Guest House scandal to join Margaret Hodge at Islington as the Senior Solicitor for her infamous Social Services Department.
Keir Starmer knows very well that Margaret Hodge’s nephew Philip Edmonds was staying with his sons at the Ocean Club in Praia da Luz at precisely the time Madeleine McCann was abducted (abruptly flying out within hours of the news of her disappearance without checking out); and that Margaret Hodge’s sister was working in Tavistock Square when a bus in the Square was blown up by a suicide bomber during the 7/7 attacks of 2005.
Any Jewish zionist mentored by the infamous Hodges as Victoria Starmer was is almost certainly herself a Mossad agent or asset. Meaning that Victoria Starmer, nee Alexander, was likely tasked while still attending university, soon after graduating, or even earlier in her childhood, with becoming the wife of a man earmarked to become a future global leader, influencer, or powerbroker. In this case, Sir Keir.
At the time of their marriage, Sir Keir may, or may not, have been fully aware that Victoria was his assigned Mossad handler and Beard.
But Sir Keir will have had no illusions about this for a long time now. Indeed, when Sir Keir was (as most assume) having sexual relations with Mossad Mandelson’s close friend, Lord Waheed Alli (another Mossad ‘honeytrap’ operation to strengthen their hold over Keir?), the prime minister will have been especially grateful for his Mossad Beard’s silence and support.
Sir Keir, who attends synagogue regularly and celebrates the Jewish holidays with his Jewish family, will himself have converted to his wife’s Judaism long ago, though he doesn’t want you to know this. His Mossad wife and beard will ensure that he will never falter nor dare to resist the zionist crime cabal, even if he wanted to.
The crime cabal is still (always) hellbent on the greater Israel agenda that motivated their false flag atrocity on September 11, and many other atrocities since. And now they want Petie ‘Mossad’ Mandelson at the centre of global power in Washington, where as Ambassador he will enjoy full diplomatic immunity as he continues to advance Zionist Israel’s interests at every turn, using more of the ‘honeytraps’ linked to sex trafficking and child abuse that he worked on with Epstein, Maxwell and de Rothschild.
Starmer is only too happy, or too blackmailed, to oblige.
With so much info, how about writing a proper article and getting Spivey to publish it as a ‘guest writer’
If you want a ‘who’s who’ of prominent Jewry, read The Filthy Rich by Chris Spivey.
No, I’m not from IOW.
Bear Grylls was ‘tapped up’ by UK Government to be Ambassador to Donald Trump’s White House
‘Grylls was approached to be our man in Washington — the job that has now gone to Labour peer Peter Mandelson’
*OF Jeffrey Epstein infamy
New British Ambassador to U.S. was regular guest of Jeffrey Epstein, emails show
Mandelson’s US job ‘an insult to every survivor’
“Victims of paedophile Jeffrey Epstein have reacted with revulsion after Sir Keir Starmer appointed the paedophile’s pal Peter Mandelson UK ambassador to the States.
“Now those sexually assaulted and raped by the late Wall Street financier have demanded the prime minister explain his decision to them.
“Sir Keir gave the Labour grandee one of — if not the — most prestigious and important foreign posts.
“The move has sparked disbelief and anger among those abused by Lord Mandelson’s friend …”
food for thought :-
belay the last!
this was the link: